December 2011 Moms

For those dealing with sleep regression....

There is hope!  For the past week or so, DD has been having trouble sleeping.  She has never been the greatest sleeper, especially naps, but we'd been making steady progress since she was 4 months old.  Then all of a sudden, things went sour.  She learned to sit up in her crib and that seemed to be more exciting than laying down to sleep.  It's been really rough.  Lots of late nights and crying (both her and me).  This morning, though, we had a breakthrough.  She was acting really tired at about 7am which is much earlier than her usual 9am nap.  I'm not surprised as she hasn't been sleeping as much at night.  So I nursed her a bit (which sometimes puts her to sleep) and left her in her crib.  About 10 minutes later, I check on her and she was asleep!!!  She had obviously been sitting up and had fallen forward (which looked most uncomfortable) but she was sleeping.  Of course my opening the door woke her, but luckily after I left she fell back asleep.  She is now sound asleep laying on her stomach (something she's never done before).  I can see the light at the end of this sleep regression tunnel.  She just needed some time.

Good luck to all others going through this.

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