December 2011 Moms

Baby on your knee while you pee? (non-clicky poll)

Have you done this? Never, once, too many times to count.

Edit to say, have you held baby in any way while going to the bathroom? The topic was for the purpose of rhyming but not limited to "knee" Big Smile

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Re: Baby on your knee while you pee? (non-clicky poll)

  • Guilty! One too many times lol. Especially now that he is going through the separation anxiety phase. He must go everywhere with me or it's a huge fit! And I would rather him on my lap then all over the bathroom floor trying to get into the tub or trash.
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  • I have, but I can only recall one time. I've been known to pee while he's in the baby carrier though. 
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  • Nope, never.  Now that he is mobile I have to sit him in his jumper, pack in play or pee while he is asleep or he will be into everything before I get done.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 0015-1
  • I've gone twice with her in the carrier. Never just holding her though. Right now she's content to play on the floor while I run to the bathroom.
    BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
  • And when we've been out and about she's been in the ergo...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yup, I did it a bunch of times when DS was younger and couldn't stand to be out of my arms for even a second.  Now he's happy to play with his toys for a minute while I'm in the bathroom.

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  • No, but I keep one of her little bouncy chairs in the bathroom. I put her in that and talk to her.
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  • I've done it a few times. His bedroom is right across the hall and the crib and toilet face eachother so a lot of the times I will put him in there and just leave the door open.
    BFP #1: 3.28.11 Dx w/ PIH @ 24w DS Born @ 36w: 11.7.11 6 Days in NICU
    BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17

  • Nope. When he was younger I would put him in his bouncer in the bathroom. Now and ever since he could sit unassisted I just sit him down on the floor in there.

    These are only when I'm home alone or he is wanting to be held. I will go pee in the bathroom by myself and leave him out in the living room/his room/etc. for the short period I'm in there if he's doing fine.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagebuddrfly421:
    Guilty! One too many times lol. Especially now that he is going through the separation anxiety phase. He must go everywhere with me or it's a huge fit! And I would rather him on my lap then all over the bathroom floor trying to get into the tub or trash.
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  • imagebuddrfly421:
    Guilty! One too many times lol. Especially now that he is going through the separation anxiety phase. He must go everywhere with me or it's a huge fit! And I would rather him on my lap then all over the bathroom floor trying to get into the tub or trash.


    this is the cutest thing i have seen in a long time!! omg! i love this!


    and yes i have my son on my lap while i go...i thought it was just me. im actually glad im not alone here!

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  • I have never had to do this, luckily. I don't know if I am coordinated enough, lol.
    BFP #1 on 11/19/10, m/c 12/5/10
    BFP #2 on 4/12/11, J born on 12/14/11

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  • Only once, Now I have the bumbo in there and he sits and laughs at the tinkle sound. I am not sure what to do once he outgrows it!

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  • I have done this while we are out shopping or something. But at home, I just sit him in the floor and do my job quickly lol. Now that he's crawling, he usually follows me and climbs up my leg to stand and stare at me... awkward lol
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  • I took a long road trip (600 miles each way) by myself.  I had no other option but to take her to the bathroom with me.  I put her in the Ergo so I would have both hands free.

    TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!!  Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) 
    #1 born December 2011
    TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
    #2 born May 2013
    TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
    #3 born August 2015 
    #4!!!!!!! due June 2017 
  • can't say i ever have. when out in public, i bring the stroller into the handicap bathroom with me. at home, i either put her in playpen, bouncer, jumper, etc. sometimes i bring the bouncer into the bathroom while i shower. 
  • Not at home. But I am guilty of peeing while she is in her carrier while we are out.
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • No, can't say I have.... DS is fine of I put him in his Pak N Play or whatever while I take 2 minutes to use the bathroom.
    "If every word I said, could make you laugh - I'd talk forever".
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  • Never, as pp said if I am out and I need to go I take the stroller into the disabled, and I just let him play while I go.. he is not mobile yet so if I sit him down he stays there, when he starts moving he will probably go in the jumper or pack and play, I don't have the coordination to hold him I would be way to scared I would drop him.

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    Diagnosed with Anti little c antibodies. DS1 7.11.11 - Anaemia and Jaundice. 10 days in the NICU, 1 exchange transfusion and 4 blood transfusions. DS2 29.8.13 - Anaemia 7 days in the NICU and 1 exchange transfusion. Both are now happy and healthy. 

  • Me again. The times she comes with me at home are because she's napping in my arms and the choices are bring her/wake her/pee on the sofa.

    Out and about: she's in the ergo. No stroller.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've held him a few times...but usually, I just put him on the floor in the bathroom.  He loves to scoot over to the vent/register and check that out :) 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In the baby carrier, if we're out and about in a public restroom.  At home?  I just stick him in the sink. LOL  He thinks it's the BEST thing ever to play with the faucets and get his feet wet.
  • Never.  I keep toys in the bathroom and he plays on the floor.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Only in public restrooms while I was by myself.
  • Never, he goes in the PnP or high chair. When he was younger I used the RnP. When we're out and about I usually have a stroller so use that. 
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Haven't had to do this yet. He's usually content to play with something on the floor or in his PnP for a minute or two while I go.
  • Once...we had construction men working in our master bathroom and I was the only one home.  I didn't want to leave him alone while I went, so I took him in the guest bathroom. 

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  • If we're downstairs, I'll bring her in the bathroom and sit her on the floor. Upstairs, the hall bath is directly across from her room. I can leave her there and leave the door open for a minute.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yes! In the middle of the night a couple times when he was crying and wanting me to pick him up and bam at that moment I have to pee I have taken him into the bathroom and gone. And will do it again if it ever happens. Any other time when he is awake during the day I will sit him on my rug in the bathroom and let him play with his bath toys. 
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • When he was smaller (and lighter) I sometimes just threw him over one shoulder and held him with one hand while peeing. hen I put the rock'n'play next to the sink in our bathroom and he plays in there while I am on the toilet. We still do this! I think soon I will just sit him in front of me (on the floor) while I pee. 
    DS born 12/2011
    DD born 03/2014

  • I nurse while peeing lol.  sometimes you just gotta go, and I refuse to just let her cry!!
    Angel Baby -EDD 6/10/11 m/c at 9w2d on 11/7/10 Our Early Christmas Gift - A Beautiful Baby Girl Born December 18, 2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Actually I just recently started having to do that. DS gets upset if he can't see me and he is crawling and moving everywhere . He hates being confined into anything so we never but a jumper or playpin or a walker. Atleast when he is on my kneehe is patient while I pee lol.
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  • I am guilty too. I have done this when on the road wiht her and there is no way I can make it what ya gonna do in a public restroom. At home we hae a bouncy seat that we keep in the bathroom for this or if I am getting ready for work.
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