There are so many posts about crawling/not do you define crawling?
I guess I would define crawling as using arms and legs to move across the matter what it looks like.
LO's crawl is quite comical...he'll have his legs sort of bent under his butt, and he'll push himself up with his arms. Then, he straightens his legs and sort of lunges/flops forward. Sometimes he face plants into the floor.
Re: How do you define crawling?
Sounds like my LO! We call it the inch worm. She does it pretty effectively--she can get from one end of the rug to the other, and can turn herself around. But I don't consider it crawling yet. I've been wondering if it's what people refer to as "scooting", but it's more like inching/flopping.
I agree with this. I think they're all versions of crawling, but I didn't say DD was actually crawling until she was crawling with her belly off the ground and alternating arms and legs.
This. My little guy is army crawling and can get on his hands and knees with his belly off the ground but just sits there with no clue what to do next so he'll just drop down and army crawl. If people ask me if he's crawling I tell them no, but he can army crawl and gets where he needs to go.
I agree with this as well.
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications