Howdy! I've been MIA lately due to summer travels, so I'm having fun catching up. Has anybody asked this lately? Just wondering who I can be envious of! We were going to start TTC this cycle--just got my real first AF last week--but subsequently came down with shingles which means now we have to wait a little while. Argh!
So, indulge me....I will be very jealous, ha!
If you are preggers, how far along? How do you like your new birth month board?
If you are TTC, how has that been going? Are you BF'ing? Has that affected your supply?
Re: Ok ladies, who's TTC or already preggers? :)
I just found out last week that I am pregnant. We were trying in June. My last period was June 1st but I took a few tests at the beginning of July and they were all negative so I'm not sure exactly how far along I am. If the June 1st date is correct then begining of march. I have an OB appt. on 8-22 so we will see what the doc says. I have not joined a board yet due to not knowing my official date. For the past month my supply has been decreasing dramatically, so the past week we have been weaning which is working out good. DS is sleeping better now that he is getting a full tummy at night, I think for a while there he wasn't getting enough and waking up so much to eat! I can't wait for my OB appt, then I will get really excited about the pregnancy once we know everything is ok with the pregnancy and know the dates.
Good luck TTC!
We are currently TTC, we decided to ttc for the months of July, Aug, and Sept to work around my school schedule. Right now I am only 2 days late, and last month I was 7 days late and then started my period, so I am going to wait to test until I am at least a week late if I haven't already started.
If we don't get pregnant during this window we are going to wait until next summer to try again, so hopefully it happens this time. I kind of go by whatever is meant to happen will so we'll see!
I'm KU! I got my BFP on Monday (DD's 8 month birthday!) and it looks like my EDD will be April 18th.
The April BMB seems to be pretty good so far. It's moving so fast but there's a huge influx of ladies just finding out right now. It seems to have a good mix of first time moms and 2+ moms, which I really like!
Nothing here i just wanted to say congrats to those of you who are preggers. Also I am so Jealous! I wish we could TTC but my DH said not untill DD starts potty training. I told him I want to get pregnant in October as to have a summer baby. He said okay October 2013 BOO! We will see tho, LOL!
Good luck to those who are TTC!
My OB said that if I wanted a chance to VBAC, I had to wait at least a year. He recommends waiting that long in general after a c-section, but said that getting pregnant sooner and scheduling a RCS would be an option, too.
AF hasn't come back yet, but all this talk of TTC is giving me baby fever!! DH and I plan to start TTC in January or February. I'm hoping for a December 2013 baby
My doctor gave us the go ahead to start trying when DD was about 5 months old. She said that she usually advises waiting until 6-8 months PP, but that a year is most ideal. I had a very easy pregnancy (aside from your typical m/s, back pain, etc.) and an excellent c/s and recovery. My doctor felt that between my age, pregnancy history, physical condition, and c/s recovery, we were okay to go ahead and TTC.
ETA: My doctor also said trying again this soon will mean a RCS for me, but we're okay with that. If I wanted to try a VBAC, we needed to wait a minimum of one year.
We are praying for a 2013 baby!
We are 12 weeks pregnant with #2. We asked at my 6 week PP checkup when we could start TTC again and my doc had said with how easy a pregnancy, delivery & recovery I had, we could start trying right away if we wanted. We ended up trying in March, but then I missed a cycle due to a tick related illness & then we got pregnant in may, so after 2 cycles of actively TTC. We are so excited to have them close together!
The feb BMB isn't too bad. I'm not super active on it but it's mostly drama free.
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
We have been TTC#2 for about 2 months. My dr advised we wait 6 months after my c/s to get pregnant. So for the first 6 months of DD life we just didnt prevent and I was EBFing. I started weaning her at 6 months and using OPKs. I am down to 1 session a day and I think I am 5dpo.
I have made an appointment with the RE on Oct 9th to start treatments again.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017
Thank you!
Congrats too!! All of these BFP are giving me baby fever
sibling love
May Siggy Challenge: TV mom