Is on the way! Had a BFP a few days ago, I was so shocked that I took another home test, of course that was positive too. I wanted to post a few days ago but DS has been sick, finally feeling better so I got a chance to bump. I have an appt. with my OB in a couple weeks then we can find out for sure how far along I am, I'm not sure because my last period was June 1st but I took 3 or 4 tests in July and they were all negative.
DH and I are excited to add to our family, the only downside is that I have had to stop breast feeding. Over the past month I have noticed my supply decreasing dramatically, and the past week it has decreased to almost nothing, DS is getting frozen BM for now and we are switching him over to formula, he seems to be doing ok with it.
Happy Monday everyone!
Re: number two....
sibling love
That's so exciting! Congrats!
IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944
DS born 12/14/11
Baby #2 FET Nov/Dec 2013
12/13 Beta#1=BFP 349; 12/16 Beta#2=1,089. First ultrasound 12/26. DS#2 born 8/8/14

~~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~~
BFP #2 on 4/12/11, J born on 12/14/11
LCT - 5.15.14 ~ 9lbs, 22.5 inches
Success After Losses. I carry your
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017
Congrats! How exciting!
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
Congrats!!! Can I say I'm jelious! I have had babies on the brain for the last month like crazy! My DH says no babies untill DD is starting ot potty train. We will see I'm thinking shortly after her 1st birthday I might get my way.
That is awesome Good luck at your OB appt!