Its been quiet around here lately...I know I have been really busy getting things ready for our upcoming trip and with E becoming much more mobile, I spend a lot of my time chasing after her!
What have you all been up too?
sibling love
Re: It's been quiet around here...
Last week was a rough week for us. I've been lurking, just not commenting/posting too much...
DH and I had a never-ending stomach virus. I had a dentist appt and ended up needing to get a cavity filled...not a big deal, but I had a horrible experience in the past, so that just added some drama. A is into EVERYTHING...chasing him is a full time job. My parents came to visit for the weekend, good to see them, but it was busy. Now A is quite congested (either teething or a cold), so I'm always chasing him with a tissue.
All of that combined with watching Olympics in the evening and during naps, and I haven't had much bumping time.
Hlc- I sympathise with the dog bowls...E dumped a water bowl over too last week!
Keylime- hope you all are feeling better, stomach viruses are no fun!
We have been watching the Olmpics nonstop too! I will be sad when there over, but I have fallen so behind on my housework...I embarrassed to admit, but E has been sleeping in her onesies and leggings the last two nights because I have totally slacked off on laundry! (working on it now)
I understand wanting to spend as much time as possible with your LOs before heading back to work! This summer has gone by way to fast...
sibling love
sibling love
I was lurking the last week or so, but we've been on a travel spree with vacations and weddings, but things will hopefully settle down soon.
Agree that watching LO now are a full time job, E's new favorite thing is to pull up on ANYTHING and let go. Ahh, so scary. Already had a few bumps, but nothing too serious. He also caught a really bad cold from his cousins while on vacation, so the 7 hr ride home was pretty rough, as were the last two nights. He has a horrible cough that wakes him up, so after we get him to sleep (sometimes takes a hr or so with ibuprofen too) he wakes up 20 min later from a coughing fit. He seems better this morning, so hopefully tonight is a better night. Now I'm getting sick (my throat is killing me!) and work is a nightmare. I love vacation, but HATE coming back to 500+ emails and playing catch up.
Sorry this is a whiney post - long story short, took a little break, but I am back now!
I wasn't around this weekend much because I was too busy doing fun stuff. On Friday night I went out on the town with old friends and left DH home with LO. It was a lot of fun, and was my first night out in over a year.
The rest of the weekend was spent at the county fair, having picnics, at the pool, and doing other family things. It was a great weekend!
Saturday was crappy. Enough said!
Sunday was busy. We put a baby pool in the sunroom and I spent a lot of the day playing/supervising out there.
There were a few topics I wanted to start yesterday but our daughter needed 110% of me all day long.
She's happily playing at the moment.
My topics ---
How much alcohol did you consume between DTD and your BFP?
When did/do you introduce wheat?
For those who do 99% of baby care: did you know this would be the arrangement? How are you coping?
These are fun - I'll play.
Alcohol between DTD and BFP - I don't remember exactly, but I do know I went to a wine tasting a few days before I got my BFP. I didn't avoid it, but I certainly didn't drink a lot. I didn't have very much (drove home from the restaurant after) but that is the day I knew something was up. I got home and threw up as soon as I walked in the door. Didn't have alcohol again until a small glass of wine in late 2nd tri / early 3rd.
Wheat - I introduced about two weeks ago with a small piece of bread, and have since done pasta and pizza crust.
H and I both work, so nanny does the care from 730am - 530pm, but I do feel like I do 99% of the work when we're both home. I feel like I'm always the primary parent and always have to ask H to do things. This is what we argue about most of the time, so it is getting better, but still not the balance I'd like. I don't think I realized what it would be like until I went back to work. I do E in the morning, work all day, do E all night, the only exception is when I specifically ask H to do something. Sometimes I wish he would just step up and do it without me asking!
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
These are great and should have their own post, but I'll answer here
1. Between DTD and BFP, I had one drink. It was a fruity, happy hour, half priced, mixed drink that was pretty watered down. It's tradition at my school to go out at the beginning of Spring Break (we have Parent Teacher Conferences from 2-5pm the day SB starts!) I knew it was possible that I was pregnant, but I figured I wasn't since it was the one month DH and I had been so stressed by life in general that we hadn't had as much time to DTD.
2. I haven't introduced wheat yet...I guess I will after our 9 month pedi appt. At the 6 month appt we got the green light for cereals, fruits, and veggies.
3. I'd say I do about 80-90% of baby care. I knew it would be this way since I'll mainly be a SAHM. I've learned that I need to be very clear about expressing my needs to DH. He can't read my mind and he doesn't know when I need a break. I'd love for him to be able to come home and know exactly what I need, but I guess that's a bit unrealistic. If I tell DH that I need a break, he is more than willing to jump in and take over.
So which is worse, man cold or baby cold?
DH is usually a huge baby when he's sick. LO's sickness is much worse than his though, and he really surprised me stepping up to help.
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
Thats good. Hope they are both feeling better soon.