December 2011 Moms

Separation anxiety sux

A suddenly has developed separation anxiety. He is afraid of everything, and only wants me. I am not allowed to leave his 4 foot radius or he freaks out. I am exhausted from it, because he will not sleep. If I lay him down awake, he screams for me--and screams and screams.

So basically I have had almost no sleep in two nights. 

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Re: Separation anxiety sux

  • Ugh i feel you! DS just started this too. I can't walk away from him at all without him crying, even if he is still able to see me! Hopefully it's a quick phase!
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  • I hear ya sista!  Lucas isn't that bad, since he will be happy with other people but if he can see me he screams for me.  If we are alone and I leave the room for a half of a second, he screams for me.  I'm assuming this phase passes....hopefully sooner than later!

    Lilypie - (ovfd)

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  • Here is to hoping that it passes quickly for all of us! E is fine at night but same as the PP I can't walk away from him at all even if he can still see me. I can't get anything done when I am home alone with him. Oh well who wants to clean anyway!

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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • It is so hard on a momma's heart.  From my experience with DD, it comes and goes a handful of times during the first few years.  DS will fuss sometimes when I leave the room but so far hasn't grumped too much (probably because DD helps keep him occupied).  


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Count us in also. Its bad!! I was thinking sonething was wrong but it must be a phase.
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  • OMG. The whining when me or DH walk away from him combined with the grumpiness of teething pain is exhausting right now! I asked my daycare lady if his whining is driving her crazy and she said he hasn't been whiny for her. So it must be more of a separation anxiety thing. I feel bad for our LOs but at the same time, sheesh! I can't get anything done!

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  • Count us in too! E has been incredibly clingy this week. She will start crying as soon as I am out of sight. Hopefully, this is just a phase...



    sibling love  

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