I have to go back to work on Monday. DD, who is EBF, hasn't had a bottle in about 4 weeks. I have never had any trouble getting her to take a bottle and today she is flat out refusing it. I am almost at my wits end. She will be away from me for 12 hours a day when I go back to work.
I have tried two different types of bottles, both of which she took fine before I was out on summer leave. She pitches a fit with both kinds.
I have tried giving her juice instead of milk and she still refuses.
I am almost in tears.
I know that she may do better with someone else giving her a bottle, so I am going to get DH to try tonight. Do you have any other advice for us?
Re: refusing bottle - help!
My first suggestion is your closing paragraph -- have someone else try to give her the bottle and I would suggest that you be in another room while it happens.
If she was fine before, it may be that she's just developed a preference for the breast and given the age our LO's are right now (separation issues), she may not understand why you are trying to give her the bottle when your breast is right there.
I'm interested to see other poster's suggestions...
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My MIL is her caretaker. She feels confident that A will take the bottle. I on the other hand, am very worried. DH and MIL tried to get her to take a bottle this evening and she blatantly refused it. My nerves are shot!
I am going to buy some latex nipples to try b/c all of ours are silicone. What did she do after going hours without eating? I am afraid that we are going to be in for a rough week next week.
When I attended BF class at the end of my pregnancy, the instructor also said if the baby refused the bottle to try the latex nipples instead of silicone for exactly that reason (softer). Some babies just prefer the more "breastlike" feel of the latex nipples. Definitely a good point.
The instructor also said her son refused the bottle when she returned to work. She tried every kind of nipple, etc., and he finally took the latex nipple and his strike lasted about a week. Babies are smart, though, they make up for the food they miss during the day at night. Eep.
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