December 2011 Moms

Anyone still have a sore spot? (TMI?)

So now DD is 7.5 months old, I thought things would be better in the "girly parts" but there is one "spot" that seems really tender.  When we are having sex, DH has to be leaning forward.  Anyone else still have discomfort?
Angel Baby -EDD 6/10/11 m/c at 9w2d on 11/7/10 Our Early Christmas Gift - A Beautiful Baby Girl Born December 18, 2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Anyone still have a sore spot? (TMI?)

  • Yes I do. It's scar tissue and feels harder than the surrounding tissue. My MW told me to rub olive oil on it. :-/ 
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    Success After Losses. I carry your <3, I carry it in my <3.</br>
  • is awful! I have an appointment to get it checked out next week.  

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  • Yep, I have one spot that didn't heal right. Even after my OB cauterized the tissue with silver nitrate (um, OW) at 3 months PP, it still hurts now during sex. According to my OB it will heal eventually, it just may take up to a year, and I guess we're not there yet. You could always ask your doc if you're concerned.
    BFP #1: EDD 8/29/11, MMC 1/14/11. BFP #2: Damien Isaac born 12/16/11. BFP #3: Rowen Cole born 7/28/14. BFP #4: EDD 9/16/16.


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  • Thanks ladies! Maybe i will make an appt. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one still uncomfortable! I feel bad cuz I will say "oww" and he feels bad like he's hurting me :(
    Angel Baby -EDD 6/10/11 m/c at 9w2d on 11/7/10 Our Early Christmas Gift - A Beautiful Baby Girl Born December 18, 2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yeah, DTD is not so much fun.

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