December 2011 Moms

I hate...

When E wakes up in the morning before I leave the house. He normally sleeps until 7 or 7:15 so usually DH wakes him up to get him dressed for daycare. I work 7-4 so I have to leave the house at 6:15. This morning he woke up right at 6:00 so I only got to see him for a few minutes. I think it makes it worse for both of us when he wakes up but I have to leave right away. I always miss him but that def makes me miss him more all day!!

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Re: I hate...

  • I'm with you but the other way around. I don't have to be in untill 8 and am up at 530 to pump, eat, get ready and do any cleaning form the night before. I hate when she sleeps in untill 730 because I have to get her ready nurse her and in the car we go. I like when she is up at 630. That gives me my time and us some mommy time too.
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