We currently use an app on my iPad. I miss having my iPad to surf the web. LO sleeps with the iPad white noise and I'm looking for a white noise machine to replace it. The thin is we need the STATIC noise and LOUD! Anyone have a machine that is loud and does the static sound? TIA!
Re: White noise
We have this machine. It doesn't really make static noise, but it's a "rushing air" sound (like a fan or blower). There are 2 settings for how loud it is, and you can adjust the pitch by rotating the base. I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for, but we love it!
You could also get a radio, tune it to static and turn up the volume as loud as you want. (I've done that in the car!)
We have this one from Bed Bath and Beyond. It has a white noise sound and it gets loud. It has like 20 sounds. We like it.
Sorry it's not clicky... On my phone.
We have this one and it's awesome. I use the regular static white noise for bedtime and the lullaby for naptime. It is LOUD and you can set it so that it stays on until you turn it off.
we use this. i like it b/c it stays on all night.
We use the Homedics one. I believe you can find it at Target (DH and I are Amazon junkies though). It has a couple of different sounds and songs to suit your needs. LO used to like "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" but has since switched to the "rain" setting. The volume is very adjustable - from hardly audible to super loud. We use it for the whole time during naps since things can get a little noisy around here during the day and we put it on the timer at bedtime so it shuts off after an hour. I highly recommend it!
BFP #1- 4/2011; DD Brynn born 12/2011
BFP #2- 7/13; EDD- 4/2/14; Lost DS at 20 weeks (11/16/13) due to cord accident
BFP #3- 3/14; EDD- 11/28/14; Lost DD at 15 weeks (6/7/14)- cause unknown
To my angels- I held you every second of your lives and I'll love you every second of mine.