Being busy will help the day fly by. Hope you have a great day! It takes us forever to get ready with just one. Major props for getting to your desk by 8:30 with 2!!
Hope the day flies by for you! This is what I'm dreading once #2 gets here, we have such a good routine now, it's usually an hour between the time we all get up and are out the door. You'll have to let me know what routine you end up with, for some reason this is the part about having baby #2 that is causing me the most anxiety!
My first month or so back, I never looked at the clock, but now, I find myself watching the clock, until I can pick up the girls. I miss them so much.
Hugs thinking of you this week!
Edit: Here's our routine with both (and I have to thank DH a lot). Usually Caroline wakes us up between 4:30-5. I feed her, DH showers, after DH showers and is ready, he gets A up, potty, clothes, downstairs to eat some breakfast. I make C's bottles, run upstairs to shower, get ready, both downstairs to make lunches. DH is out the door by 6:15/6:30 and I leave 5 minutes later. Drop off at DC at 6:45 and I'm at work by 7:30.
hugs! I had such a harder time going back after Claire was born. Routines were non-existent and tough to establish, and I cried the first few days driving to work.
It does get easier, and we've got a great routine going now (or at least we did in June before school was out...)
Laura & Jim ~ July 10, 2004
miscarriage on 11/26/09 at 5w6d
I hope your day has flown by. I have no recommendations on the routine - I worry like crazy about that too. It's good to start back in the middle of the week though, don't you think? Just a few days til the weekend...
Thanks Ladies!! The day actually flew by. I deleted over 1100 e-mails and sat in on a bunch of meetings. Now I am going to meet DH and the kids at IHOP for celebratory dinner.
Re: First day back
Baby Girl #2 is on her way!
Being busy does help the day go by faster.
My first month or so back, I never looked at the clock, but now, I find myself watching the clock, until I can pick up the girls. I miss them so much.
Hugs thinking of you this week!
Edit: Here's our routine with both (and I have to thank DH a lot). Usually Caroline wakes us up between 4:30-5. I feed her, DH showers, after DH showers and is ready, he gets A up, potty, clothes, downstairs to eat some breakfast. I make C's bottles, run upstairs to shower, get ready, both downstairs to make lunches. DH is out the door by 6:15/6:30 and I leave 5 minutes later. Drop off at DC at 6:45 and I'm at work by 7:30.
I guess there's something good to say about being busy! Will be thinking of you this week. I know how hard it can be.
As for a morning routine - I call it a miracle every time I make it out the door without something spilled down the front of my shirt.
BFP#2 1/12/12 ~ Missed M/C 8w2d
hugs! I had such a harder time going back after Claire was born. Routines were non-existent and tough to establish, and I cried the first few days driving to work.
It does get easier, and we've got a great routine going now (or at least we did in June before school was out...)
miscarriage on 11/26/09 at 5w6d
Thanks Ladies!! The day actually flew by. I deleted over 1100 e-mails and sat in on a bunch of meetings. Now I am going to meet DH and the kids at IHOP for celebratory dinner.
Mmmm, Breakfast for Dinner.