Baby Names

Boy name clicky-what's your favorite?

My husband and I cannot agree on a first or middle name. Our last name is Bach (pronounced like the composer's name). Any combos or suggestions are welcome. Thanks:)[Poll]

Re: Boy name clicky-what's your favorite?

  • I love and voted for Elijah. It was on our long list. I really can't stand Declan and don't see its appeal at all. The others are ok. 
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  • I like most of your names, but I am going through a Riley phase right now so that's what I voted. 

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  • I'd have a hard time picking between your choices too. They are all great names. I'm really loving Mason, Jacob, and Elijah the most though.
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  • ZimgerZimger member

    I chose Jacob even though it's insanely popular. I also like Riley. I really wish I could get my DH on board with it being a boy name and not a girl name. There are just so many little female Riley's right now.

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  • Jacob Riley flows well with your last name!
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  • I voted Jacob, but I also like Mason and Elijah (even Eli).  

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  • I didn't vote because none of them are my style!
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

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  • I voted for Elijah. I don't care for Declan at all. Riley is cute for a little boy, but I have a hard time picturing a grown man with that name.

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  • I don't care for Declan either, and I think Jacob Bach doesn't flow very well with the double "b" there.

    Other than that, I think any of the others would work. :)

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  • I voted for Declan, but my next two pics are Riley and Elijah.
    Married 9-4-04

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  • I think Elijah Mason or Mason Elijah sound good.
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  • I like Mason and Jacob. Riley and Declan sound too trendy. Elijah is nice too I just think the others sound better with your last name.
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