I was just wondering if any of you mommies are doing ASL or Baby sign with your LO's?
My aunt did with all three of her kids and said she highly recomends it and to start when they start waving. I am on the fence so just wondering how you all feel about it?
Re: ASL or Baby sign???
Jan17 Sept Sig: Pumpkin Spice gone too far
We're doing ASL. I don't think he really gets it yet, but I have heard it helps with language development later on. I try to use all the signs I can. We have this book and it's really great!
(Sorry, can't make it clicky)
We are doing ASL, just some basics for right now. She seems to understand what I'm doing, but can't do the signs herself just yet.
I second the book recommended above. I'm actually taking classes with that author and use the book as a supplement (she's from my area). They also make a CD with songs you can sign to and DD LOVES it - https://www.amazon.com/Songs-For-Little-Hands-Activity/dp/1401917976/ref=la_B001JRZXE6_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1343676196&sr=1-4
I made the link clicky in the quoted post above as well.
Baby sign is ASL. There is a book out there that makes up it's own signs, but for the most part any class/book will teach standard ASL signs.