Stay at Home Moms


Happy Monday morning everyone!


Tidy up the house

Boot camp

Put roast in the crock pot

A couple loads of laundry

Finish cleaning the kitchen - polish sink, mop floor

Start taking down decorations in the breakfast nook and clean area

Wash the kids' puzzle mat and set it out to dry

Reorganize DD's play kitchen toys and clean up any toys that need it

Walk the dog

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: To-Do's:

  • Love these.. They are getting me to think about my day early in the am, and keep me accountable about getting them done!


    Finish grocery list

    Grocery shopping

    Put away dishes

    Tidy up house

    1 load of laundry

    Plan out errands/fun activities for rest of the week 

  • Dishes


    Work on resume - might be getting part time job

    Outside play with DD

    Wipe DD's fingerprints off walls and windows :)

    Sweep/mop kitchen

    Figure out dinner

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Loading the player...
  • Happy Monday!

    general clean up DONe

    weed and trim the lawn DONE

    dust DONE

    turn in DC forms DONE

    schedule October check up for DD

    story time at the library - DD slept through the time they do it so... not today!

    walk the dog DONE

    work on scrapbook calendar 

    Hallelujah, it's a miracle, I have children AND a signature!

    <a href="" title="Trying to Conceive"><img src="" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0"  /></a> IW024W 3rd: 7FS0BD4th: XGYL4V5th: JPDH57

    TTC since February 2009
    MC 6/28/2010 @ 7w 5d
    Dx low progesterone October 2010, IUI success and then a total surprise!
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