BFP #1- 4/2011; DD Brynn born 12/2011
BFP #2- 7/13; EDD- 4/2/14; Lost DS at 20 weeks (11/16/13) due to cord accident
BFP #3- 3/14; EDD- 11/28/14; Lost DD at 15 weeks (6/7/14)- cause unknown
To my angels- I held you every second of your lives and I'll love you every second of mine.
Re: Sick baby- teething question... (XP from new FB group)
...maybe a week or so?
It's been kinda hard to tell where the painful teething process ends for us. Once one breaks through another starts to push out (we're working on #4 right now).
Hyland's teething tablets have been awesome to us! They seem to really relieve the pain/crabbiness. I only give DS 2 at a time twice a day. He's like a completely different baby just minutes after taking them.
Good luck on the trip! Hope she feels better before then!
right there with ya!!
C had a fever of 103 today so we went to the ER...i dont want to mess with soemthing that high. After 2 hours of getting tylenol it was still 101.3...
runny eyes, ruunny nose, congestions, couching....he's a mess...
he was fussier than normal all week im wondering if he is also teething on top of it...
He has a viral infection and L ear infection.
his nose is a leaky faucet!!
Feel Better Brynn!!!
Poor thing!! I have to say, I'm glad I followed my "mom" instinct on this one. She's had an ear infection before and I was originally going to wait to see if she got a fever before taking her to the Ped, but the upcoming flight made me go in early and I'm so glad I did. Fever didn't show up until 2 days later but she's been miserable.
Temp of 103 would scare the bejeezus out of me too- so glad they were able to get things under control at the ER- hope he starts feeling better soon!
BFP #1- 4/2011; DD Brynn born 12/2011
BFP #2- 7/13; EDD- 4/2/14; Lost DS at 20 weeks (11/16/13) due to cord accident
BFP #3- 3/14; EDD- 11/28/14; Lost DD at 15 weeks (6/7/14)- cause unknown
To my angels- I held you every second of your lives and I'll love you every second of mine.