December 2011 Moms

That moment when...

Your mother-in-law is talking to your son, and tells him that "mommy has to go to the bathroom now"- but she isn't talking about you. I... don't even know what to say to her about it. 
Lilypie First Birthday tickersPitaPata Dog tickers

Re: That moment when...

  • Been there.  I've come up with some witty of my favorites is to ask her, "Who is his daddy, if you are his mommy?"  Because there's no easy answer to that one!

    It's hard to hear someone else refer to herself as "mommy" to your child. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Im sorry but does she watch him all the time and is getting confused? I mean thats wierd! I would probably wouldve given her a dirty look and asked what is that? Just strange!
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  • Strange. Is this her first grandchild? Maybe she's not used to her new title yet.
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  • I just kind of stared at her. I didn't know what to do. 

    She hardly ever watches him, and when she does it isn't for very long. It's not like she spends a ton of time with him at all. She spends about three hours with him at a time, once every two weeks or so. And typically, it's my FIL who does most of the watching on those occasions. Long enough for me to go get some groceries, or have a bit of alone time. He's the first grandchild on both DH's and my side, so I guess it was probably just a slip of the tongue. 

     ETA* Spelling.  

    Lilypie First Birthday tickersPitaPata Dog tickers
  • This so irks me!  My mother (or my MIL) would never DARE use that title and if there ever was a slip up, both would apologize profusely, I am sure.  I don't care if they're his full time day care- it's just not ok.  You're better than I am for not going off on them :)

    BFP #1- 4/2011; DD Brynn born 12/2011

    BFP #2- 7/13; EDD- 4/2/14; Lost DS at 20 weeks (11/16/13) due to cord accident

    BFP #3- 3/14; EDD- 11/28/14; Lost DD at 15 weeks (6/7/14)- cause unknown

    To my angels- I held you every second of your lives and I'll love you every second of mine.


  • My mom did that once, but meant to say 'mamaw'.She did immediately correct herself though.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I bet she just misspoke. I have done this before with a friends kid but only because I say it to E all the time "mommy is going to be right back or mommy is coming to get you". Kind of weird since she hasn't called herself mommy in a while. I would probably just let it go unless she does it again.

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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I don't get this at all...

    She obviously hasn't called herself "mommy" to a baby in FOREVER. I don't think it's a simply mistake to make.

    This hasn't happened to us yet. But each time MIL holds DS I feel like she's "playing house" and pretending she's young again. In ways I guess it's not really hurting anyone. In other ways though I think it's really unacceptable and rude.

    I like the "who's the daddy?" question. Maybe that will put it more in perspective for her. ....It sounds like she might need that reminding. 

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  • Whaaaat? Yeah that's not ok. 
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    Success After Losses. I carry your <3, I carry it in my <3.</br>
  • My mom has said that on accident a couple of times to DD but I know it's because she talks to our dogs like that and calls herself "mommy" so I think it just spilled over.  I think it's kind of funny, but probably only because it's only happened a couple of times.  If she did it a lot, maybe not so much...
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