We've been using BG 3.0 and 4.0's with DS #1 and have loved them. The only problem is that they seem to be falling apart at this point. I'm going to start replacing the laundry and closure tabs, but the velcro across the front is shot and not replaceable. We had a good run with them, but with kid #2 on their way, we're rethinking our CD options.
We may just get another set of BGs for this kid, but if there is something better or easier or more sturdy, I'd be up for a change.
If you could CD all over again knowing what you know, what would you do?
Re: Cloth Diapers for #2
I'm a BG user on my first, so I don,t have much advice, but I believe that aplix strip on the front is replaceable, they just don't sell kits for it, you have to buy the aplix from a craft store ( online, probably). I haven't done it yet myself but some crafty ladies on my local cd board say it's doable.
Or you could have them all converted to snaps, I believe I've seen a business online that does it for 3.50 each plus shipping.
DS is only my first baby and just turned 3 months old, OS diapers are only just now beginning to fit him. We are doing mostly prefolds at this point, but I'm planning to round out the stash with some combination of pockets/aios. Having weighed the pros and cons of snaps vs. aplix, I've decided to have a few of each. My thinking is that yes, snaps are more durable, but aplix will be great for those days when DS is in between sizes.
My favorites right now are Thirsties Duo Pockets, Oh Katy and Swaddlebees Simplex AIO.
I'm also stocking up on fitteds, as I like them under a wool cover at night.
With DS1 we did all of his dipes in aplix/velcro. With this baby I actually sent back a lot of the velcro ones after rethinking it and bought BG snaps. The only brand we have in velcro is Tots Bots and that's only becuase I've heard amazing things about their Velco.
Since I was exclusively BG with DS (and sold my stash because we didn't keep up with it). Now that we have a laundry next to his room were CDing again with the new baby. We have about 14 BG snaps. The rest of the stash is made up of Swaddlebees Simples AIO (hear AMAZING things), Tots Bots, Blueberry and Charlie Bananas.
Make a pregnancy ticker
Holy crap, that's an awesome idea!! I have 13 diapers that could use conversion and while that'll be like $50, that's cheaper than buying 13 new diapers! I'd never heard of this before. Thank you so much.
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
OP, I'm only 6 months into it, but right now I wouldn't change a thing (except to spring for better newborn covers). We're using osocozy prefolds and flips covers in snaps by day and alvababy pockets with thirsties hemp inserts by night. If I had another baby, I'd probably reuse what I have for DS and maybe get some more cute covers. I'd probably do snaps again as I can't stand velcro in the wash coming off the laundry tabs and hooking on everything.