I used to look forward to this show when I was in high school. I related to it because I was secretly in love with my best guy friend. Ha ha!
I am loving a look back at the outfits. I used to dress just like the characters in this show--baggy mom jeans, and the "skater" sweater with the chest stripe.
Anyone else a former Creek fan?
Re: NBR--sick and watching Dawson's Creek
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
I used to love that show! I'll never forget my freshman year of college, we would all leave our room doors open the night of Dawson's Creek and shout things back and forth. That was the year Dawson's dad died (I think it was the last season?) and I remember all of us walking out of our rooms with tears streaming down our faces. haha... I want to watch it again!
I hope you feel better kwinkle!
I agree, the whining is annoying, as is the constant psycho-babble. I remember being so sure that if Dawson and Joey woul dget together, it meant my guy friend and I would, too. So silly!
Success After Losses. I carry your
Yes! You know, the more I watch it, the less I can stand any of the characters. Joey is whiny, Andie is just so annoying in so many ways, and Dawson...ugh. I think Pacey is the only likeable one.