I thought I was totally prepared not to but after 9 hours of induction contractions I caved. The dr. who performed it was awful and should have been working on animals. He kept talking to the nurse and not me..."she's not curled over enough"
I didn't go into it swearing off the epidural, I just basically said 'If I need it I won't refuse it'. But I dilated so fast and my nurse didn't feel the need to check me until I told her I felt like I needed to push and she looked and DS's head was poking out lol
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I went in with an open mind about it. This was my first baby so I didn't really know what the pain would be like. I was fine until about 6cm or so and then it got really, really painful. We knew LO was going to be a big baby, he was predicted to be around 10 lbs. I had worked all day on my feet and labored for about 7 hours and was worried that I would tire out while trying to push this watermelon out. I got one and was so glad I did. I was able to enjoy the experience and I don't dread giving birth again. He turned out to be 9lbs, 4oz.
I was admitted at 5cm and all the nurses commented on how well I was handling my contrax. I really didn't think they were that painful, so I didn't need one. But, I was also on mag sulfate and had to get a catheter. Nurse started putting it in and that sh*t HURT! So I opted to get the epi just so I wouldn't feel the catheter. Big mistake, it made everything down there 100x worse! I felt the catheter go in and the contrax were the worst thing I've ever felt for the 2 hours after. The Doc had to change my epi 2x and I ended up with a c/s strength dose even though I vag delivered.
I probably would still get one next time though, go figure
BFP #1: 3.28.11 Dx w/ PIH @ 24w
DS Born @ 36w: 11.7.11
6 Days in NICU BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
I got one and it was awesome. I hadn't slept in about 30 hours by the time I was admitted to the hospital, and I was only 2cm, so I was thankful for something that helped me relax (I even napped on and off for a couple hours)
I was induced and contractions for manageable for awhile. I went in with an open mind, but all of a sudden I hit a wall - I was only 4 cm at this point, and I go the epidural. It's like the pain went from 5/6 to off the charts in no time. I got to rest with the epi, and am so happy I had one. I will get one next time as well.
I wanted to see how long I could go without the epi, but since I was induced I figured I'd get one eventually. I was fine until I went from 3 to 8cm in 45 min and had to labor in bed (high BP/GD had to be monitored) so I got the epi. It covered about 60% of the pain which meant I could still move and feel to push. I was so glad I had it while I was getting stitched up afterward! I hated the catheter and the Nubain (IV pain med) but the epi was great.
BFP #1: EDD 8/29/11, MMC 1/14/11. BFP #2: Damien Isaac born 12/16/11. BFP #3: Rowen Cole born 7/28/14. BFP #4: EDD 9/16/16.
I loved mine. Getting it was the most painful part of my entire labor, but very much worth it! I was able to sleep for several hours and I was able to labor down for 2 hours which I really believe is why I pushed for 3 contractions before DS was born.
I went in with an open mind. Everyone told me the contractions felt like really bad cramps. I was used to that kind of pain, so I decided I would wait and see. About half hour-45 mins in, I decided to get one. For me it was that need to push feeling that was bothering me. I couldn't not push and I didn't want to risk anything, so I asked for the epi. I hadn't gotten any sleep either, so after the epi was done, I was able to nap of and on for a little bit. After only 5 1/2 hrs of being in the hospital, DD was born. Overall, it was pretty easy L&D. I kind of want to try without it next time. My mom went drug free with all 8 of us!
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I went in knowing that I didn't want an epi. I labored in the bath at the hospital for about an hour and a half and went from being 2cm to 7cm. I begged for it after that but my birth plan stated that if I asked for one during a contraction to wait and see if I asked for one again after it was over. My midwife kept saying "we will talk about it after your next contraction." and I just said "okay." and about 5 and a half hours of being at the hospital, I was pushing and Charlotte was born 30 minutes later. Drug & epidural free!
Had my labor been much longer I don't think I could have done without.
I knew Emma was breech from week 32 on...she never turned. My C/S was scheduled right at 39 weeks, my doctor did not want me going into labor. I have no idea what a real contraction feels like. I wish I felt a couple so I knew what to expect for the next time. I am going to try for a VBAC. Sorry I'm rambling...
I really planned on and wanted a med free birth, but my BP was rising throughout my pregnancy and I knew I might need to be induced, and was not confident in my ability to have a pain med-free birth with Pit. I did end up with Pit and got the epi at 6 cm. I'm fine with the decision, but I really want to do it natural next time around and I hope I can be better prepared and hopefully not need Pit again.
With both of mine I had epis.. With my first my epi didn't work completely (it numbed my skin but nothing else) and later learned that I should have asked for them to redo it since it wasn't working like it should have. L&D took 36 hours from the start of my induction to delivery with her with most of it white knuckling it to avoid getting any pain control meds... Then with DS I decided to take an open-minded "Drugs, lots of them, STAT!" attitude.. I didn't require nearly as much pain medication during/after because the stress was off of me. The induction only took 18 hours with DS so that was also a perk. But they did have to redo the epi with DS and once they actually got it in place, it was as if the skies parted and angels sang heavenly bliss to have an epi working that well! If we have a third, I would follow that attitude.
I woke up in active labor and my contractions went from every 10 min to every 3 after about an hour. I was dilating so quickly and the contractions were so close and long that I wasn't able to catch my breath in between. I was open minded to getting the epidural but I wanted to see if I could go without it because of the other interventions that usually go with it. I was already at 8 cm after 3 hrs of labor and almost didnt get one. By the time it was administered I was complete. But since T was face up they let him labor down on his own for two hours. I ended up with a vacuum assist and needed two stitches so I'm glad I had the epi. If nothing else than I didn't feel the stitches in my lady bits.
I got one around 5pm, it stopped working around 530pm, I asked them to fix it, they did and it worked for another half an hour or so. By 730 when I started to push it wasn't working again...so I got one yet still felt every part of the actual deliver which sucked!
I will probably get one again next time in hopes that it'll work better. When it was working it was great.
DH and I did hypnobabies and planned to go without pain meds. I was able to manage the pain despite 24 hrs of labor, pitocin and laboring in bed for a portion due to cord around DS's neck so we weren't progressing as quickly as anticipated. When I finally hit transition it went so fast and that was the only time I felt out of control. I only needed 2 pushes. When and if we have any more, I plan to go without pain meds again. I figure the labor should go much quicker the next time too!
I went in trying to keep an open mind about an epidural. If I could do it without I would, but I had no idea what to expect. I knew I would probably be induced because I had gd and my doctor didn't want me to go much past my due date, and I was very nervous about being induced. I went into my induction dilated between 2-3cm, and got pit around 11 am (no cervadil because I was dilating on my own). According to the monitor I was having contractions every 2 minutes, but I could barely feel them and wasn't making any progress. Around 5:00 pm the doctor asked if she could break my water. Boy, did that get things going! I went from barely feeling anything to being in the worst pain of my life in a very short amount of time. I asked for the epi around 6:00 pm. It went pretty smoothly, despite my nearly passing out during the insertion. I was really happy that I decided to go ahead with the epi. It made me so much more relaxed and comfortable.
Re: Epidural - CP
I was admitted at 5cm and all the nurses commented on how well I was handling my contrax. I really didn't think they were that painful, so I didn't need one. But, I was also on mag sulfate and had to get a catheter. Nurse started putting it in and that sh*t HURT! So I opted to get the epi just so I wouldn't feel the catheter. Big mistake, it made everything down there 100x worse! I felt the catheter go in and the contrax were the worst thing I've ever felt for the 2 hours after. The Doc had to change my epi 2x and I ended up with a c/s strength dose even though I vag delivered.
I probably would still get one next time though, go figure
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
LCT - 5.15.14 ~ 9lbs, 22.5 inches
I went in knowing that I didn't want an epi. I labored in the bath at the hospital for about an hour and a half and went from being 2cm to 7cm. I begged for it after that but my birth plan stated that if I asked for one during a contraction to wait and see if I asked for one again after it was over. My midwife kept saying "we will talk about it after your next contraction." and I just said "okay." and about 5 and a half hours of being at the hospital, I was pushing and Charlotte was born 30 minutes later. Drug & epidural free!
Had my labor been much longer I don't think I could have done without.
Charlotte Anne 12.11.11
sibling love
I really planned on and wanted a med free birth, but my BP was rising throughout my pregnancy and I knew I might need to be induced, and was not confident in my ability to have a pain med-free birth with Pit. I did end up with Pit and got the epi at 6 cm. I'm fine with the decision, but I really want to do it natural next time around and I hope I can be better prepared and hopefully not need Pit again.
That is a very sad and scary story.
This! Back labor was awful. Glad I got one though. After 2 days of induced back labor going no where I ended up with a cs.
With both of mine I had epis.. With my first my epi didn't work completely (it numbed my skin but nothing else) and later learned that I should have asked for them to redo it since it wasn't working like it should have. L&D took 36 hours from the start of my induction to delivery with her with most of it white knuckling it to avoid getting any pain control meds... Then with DS I decided to take an open-minded "Drugs, lots of them, STAT!" attitude.. I didn't require nearly as much pain medication during/after because the stress was off of me. The induction only took 18 hours with DS so that was also a perk. But they did have to redo the epi with DS and once they actually got it in place, it was as if the skies parted and angels sang heavenly bliss to have an epi working that well! If we have a third, I would follow that attitude.
I got one around 5pm, it stopped working around 530pm, I asked them to fix it, they did and it worked for another half an hour or so. By 730 when I started to push it wasn't working again...so I got one yet still felt every part of the actual deliver which sucked!
I will probably get one again next time in hopes that it'll work better. When it was working it was great.
I went in trying to keep an open mind about an epidural. If I could do it without I would, but I had no idea what to expect. I knew I would probably be induced because I had gd and my doctor didn't want me to go much past my due date, and I was very nervous about being induced. I went into my induction dilated between 2-3cm, and got pit around 11 am (no cervadil because I was dilating on my own). According to the monitor I was having contractions every 2 minutes, but I could barely feel them and wasn't making any progress. Around 5:00 pm the doctor asked if she could break my water. Boy, did that get things going! I went from barely feeling anything to being in the worst pain of my life in a very short amount of time. I asked for the epi around 6:00 pm. It went pretty smoothly, despite my nearly passing out during the insertion. I was really happy that I decided to go ahead with the epi. It made me so much more relaxed and comfortable.