I just saw your post and am wondering how LO is doing pain wise and how he tolerated the procedure. Did he have to go a period w/o eating/drinking before the surgery? How did he do with the anesthesia?
My DS didn't get circ'ed at birth due to a slight hypospadia. We have the surgery scheduled for early September and I am very nervous!!
Re: ****Kelly33486*****
Sorry this is going to be so long but I will give you the whole story so you have an idea of what to expect...
My son did great yesterday and this morning based on his personality you would have not known that he even had surgery yesterday (except for being a little more tired). I was completely freaked out for months prior to the surgery and I cried like everyday leading up to it for a week! The anticipation was much worse then the actual surgery. I was far more concerned about the anesthesia then the actual surgery. My husband was concerned about the surgery and the doctor messing up his son's penis (LOL- men!!) But we went to a pediatric urologist and he is the best in our area so I wasn't worried about that at all.
His surgery was at 7:30 am and we had to be at the hospital at 6am. He wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything past midnight the night before. He went to sleep at his regular time 8:30pm and I woke him up at 11:30pm to do a dream feed. I don't think he got more then an ounce or two but I figured what could it hurt. We woke him up at the last minute before we had to leave and he was NOT HAPPY being woken up out of a dead sleep. We checked in at the hospital and he was an angel the whole time until they took him at 7:30...I was afraid he would be a nightmare since he had not eaten in so long but he was SO GOOD and so sweet- all the nurses loved him!
We met with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist around 7:30, his nurse took him right after that and we went to the waiting room. They gave him the gas right away and then they started the IV and intubation. The doctor said it would be quick but he didn't come and get us until around 9:45...I was freaking out the whole time! The surgery was more involved then he had anticipated but he did great and then my husband and I went into the PACU (recovery room). There were 2 nurses taking care of him, one was monitoring his vitals and the other was trying to feed him some pedialyte. I immediately went over to hold him since he was crying and it did take some time to calm him down. They had given him some Morphine post-op so I think his pain was well-controlled at that point. I tried to nurse him but he really wasn't having it (which I expected). We stayed in the PACU about 45 minutes and then we went to the 2nd stage recovery room. I think the morphine was wearing off at this point so he was really getting uncomfortable, lots of crying and didn't really want to be held. It was the saddest thing ever. They gave him some tylenol with codeine and and within 10 minutes he was calm. They discharged us and we were home by 11am.
He slept about 4 hours when we got home and he slept pretty much all day on and off. He nursed well once we were home and ate dinner fine too. His penis and incision look really bad but it doesn't seem to be bothering him. We have given him about 3 doses of the tylenol with codeine since being home and it has worked well for his pain. His eyes seem glassy and he is a little out of it but other then that he is his normal happy self.
Your son will do GREAT! Try not to freak out too much because I really feel like they sense our anxiety.
One thing - make sure you tell the anesthesiologist himself how much your son weighs. Our first idiot nurse was getting her pounds and kilos mixed up and actually said to me "does 8 pounds sound right for your sons weight?" I was like HELLO, no, that scale was in kilograms. Does he look 8 pounds??? You have to be your sons advocate and if something doesn't make you feel comfortable speak up!
Good luck mama, I promise the anticipation is FAR worse then the actual surgery. Your son will do perfect!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the info. I am so super nervous and, like you, will probably be a mess leading up to it.. I am sooo nervous about the anesthesia. I have total faith in our surgeon, but the anesthesia scares me the most. I am sure it will all be fine, but it already is so hard just to think of him having to go through this.
I would have made that nurse feel stupid after she said that. 8 lbs....seriously?!
Again, thank you for the info, I am so happy that it went well. I hope the recovery continues to go well for you and LO!!!