Hi ladies! I haven't been on the board in a while since we've been traveling this summer, but I'm happy to be back!
DD isn't quite crawling yet, but she's a lot more active and I'm realizing she needs some fun toys. Right now she plays with a pop up thing, a little piano, and a mini ball pit I made out of a small pool--(I really recommend the latter)--and that's pretty much it except for the jumparoo and a few random rattle toys.
Please give me some inspiration, I need an excuse to shop!
Re: What are LO's favorite toys these days?
Lol... The first thing that popped into my head was electrical cords. My DS is crawling like crazy and he loves to find every single cord in our house and try to get them in his mouth, driving me nuts!
Seriously we just opened this table this weekend and he loves it.
We are having a lot of fun with knock knock blocks
But for alone play she still loves Rock A Stack, her cloth books, and her teething star
You just described my life.
Right now, DS loves anything that can go in his mouth! He'll gnaw on chew toys, blankets, anything! Another hit is the beach ball. I found it in the $1 bin at Target and he LOVES it. We'll roll it all over the place and he crawls after it.
I love our Green Toys. DS will play with the stacker for a while (mainly trying to eat it and hitting the pieces together like cymbals) and he's starting to warm up to his race car.
Basically anything he is not supposed to have he wants. He loves the remotes, loves chewing on the tags on DD's stuffed animals.
As far as actual toys go he likes vtech ball that makes noises and rolls. He likes chewing on the rings of the FP rock & stack. The FP snail still is fun. He has these baby Einstein blocks and one quacks and he thinks that is hilarious!
I love this thread as it gives me ideas for new fun things to buy
My husband's flip flops! DS won't leave them alone.
As for real toys, he loves the Fisher Price Stacking Action Blocks: https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Bright-Beginnings-Stacking-Action/dp/B00006IJE6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343229579&sr=8-1&keywords=fisher+price+activity+blocks
Ana freaking LOVES Scout! She honestly cant get enough of him.
I really like it because you can program information specific about your kid on the puppy and he sings songs with her name in it and "interacts" with her. And as your kid gets older you can change stuff so it becomes age appropriate. Its the bees knees if you ask me.
Oh and it cant say her full name Anastajza (which I can understand) however it does pronouce Ana the way we pronounce it. So I like that.
Electrical cords, floor registers, the dog, and this....
(We'll probably get him the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Learning Home for Christmas/Birthday)
We also like the FP Rock and Stack and are planning on getting the "Follow me Fred" if I can find a sale.
DS loves all of these exact same toys as well in addition to the Vtech Sit to Stand Walker and just those basic links/rings things that are like $1.50 at Target