December 2011 Moms

Has LO dropped any bottles lately?

We've been having the hardest time lately with M taking his bottles. We decided to just drop his 2nd bottle of the day and add an oz to his other 4 to see how that went. He did much better yesterday, finished all his bottles and was content all day. So now we're at 4 8oz bottles a day. He also gets 3 meals of solids a day and eats about 3 oz's a meal. He also will only let me hold his morning bottle, all other bottles he likes to hold himself and lie on the floor!

How many bottles are you giving LO and how many ozs?


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Re: Has LO dropped any bottles lately?

  • We are still at 5 bottles per day (2 7-oz and 3 6-oz).  He gets solids twice per day and usually eats 1-2 oz per feeding.  He has recently started leaving about 1 oz per feeding (except his first morning bottle) so I was thinking about doing what you did an adding an oz to each of his other bottles.  He eats every 3 hours now but I think he is ready for every 4.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 0015-1
  • this weekend i tried to get him to drop a feeding... we were at 5-5oz bottles and 1-7oz, then on daycare days he usually ate an extra 4oz (so 36oz... 24 BM 12 F).

    now i make him an 8oz for bed, then a 3oz for his wakeup (between 415 and 630), then 4-6oz. he gets 4oz of solids 2x/day 

    Baby Charchie born 12/22/2011
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  • We're at five bottles a day. She gets a 6 oz when she wakes up in the morning and a 6 oz when she goes to bed. The other three are 4 oz throughout the day. She's also eating solids three times a day, usually about an hour after a bottle.
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  • A drinks four 7oz bottles per day. Sometimes she will drink all 7oz, sometimes only 4oz but I always give her 7. She also gets 3 meals of solids.  
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  • I was just thinking of this over the weekend, I was having a hard time getting A to eat all of her bottles.

    She's currently getting 3 7-8oz bottles (plus she nurses in the morning and before bed - though I may have to switch to bottles for those soon too, she's losing interest in nursing and I wonder if my supply isn't keeping up).  This weekend, she would only drink about 6oz of each bottle instead of downing the 7-8 like she usually does.  So I've been wondering if she'd rather have two 8oz bottles on top of the morning/night feedings (which would likely be two more 8oz bottles if I do stop BFing)

    AVT - 12.2.11

    LCT - 5.15.14 ~ 9lbs, 22.5 inches

  • We're down to 4-7oz bottles a day.  Sometimes it's even  hard for him to keep interest in those.  He LOVES his solids though and usually has 2 bigger meals (4oz at lunch and 3 tablespoons of oatmeal + fruit at night) and about 2oz of fruit or yougart in the morning. 
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  • She gets 4- 7oz bottles a day and one over night for a total of 35oz! The night bottle is a recent thing in the past few weeks. She gets offered solids 2-3 times per day, but she hardly eats any of it yet (purees or finger foods). I think once she starts eating more solids she'll be able to drop that night bottle again.
    BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
  • I'm so glad that someone posted about this - I didn't realize that not finishing feedings means it's time to play with amount/frequency!  I was perplexed all weekend that suddenly LO was leaving 1-2 ounces in every bottle.  Maybe it's time to drop a feeding. 

    Here's my question though...since he's leaving milk uneaten at every feeding, his night waking seems to be increasing.  He hasn't woken through the night consistently in months, but now suddenly he's up at 4!  Did anyone else experience this after dropping a feeding?

    Sorry if this is a thread highjack...

  • Right before he turned 8 months he dropped his 5th bottle, so we're down to 4 a day, 6-7 oz. each. We also give him a container of yogurt and about 5 oz. of purees plus finger foods throughout the day.
    BFP #1: 3.28.11 Dx w/ PIH @ 24w DS Born @ 36w: 11.7.11 6 Days in NICU
    BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17

  • Thank you sooo much for starting this thread!  I am having the same issues.  DS actually refused 2 bottles at daycare yesterday and he's never done that.  We're at 5 bottles/day and he's rarely finishing any.  Maybe it's time to go to 4.  He's only eating an average of 24-28 oz/day (on top of 3 meals of solids/day), so I was worried that by dropping a bottle  he'd take even less.  Maybe this won't be the case!!
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