AngelCare monitors were mentioned in my previous post about night lights (some AC units have a night light feature). Mine doesn't have the night light probably because its a bit older.
Anyway, I was just curious as to how many of you are using AC monitors and wonder if you are happy with it. Also, which model do you have?
We're on our second basic AC monitor (no room temps or other fancy stuff). The first was one my sister used with her three kids and then gave to us. It worked great for 10 months and then the sensor crapped out and it was in full alarm mode. We planned to use the sensor feature until DD was a year old but ended up switching it to audio only.
A friend gave us her AC as she was done having kids and knew our previous one quit. The alarm has been going off about every other night because DS wriggles himself up into the far corner of the crib. I'm not bother by it going off as I'd rather go in a reposition him than lay in bed and worry about him. I recommend this as a must-have to all new parents-to-be.
Re: s/o AngelCare monitors
We have a deluxe model (this one) has two sensor pads and two parent units.
Before DS was born, I didn't think an Angel Care system was necessary, but when he was a day old, we realized that he preferred being on his stomach. I had a feeling that he would inevitably be a stomach sleeper. (Those first few weeks he was on his back in the RnP). I told DH that we'd need an Angel Care system, and I asked him to find a good deal--he's a rock star at finding deals online. He managed to find the Deluxe system (brand new) on Amazon for just $100. The peace of mind has been worth every penny.
We've had a few false alarms, but like you said, I'd rather go in and reposition LO than lose sleep worrying about him.
We have one but don't use the sensor because he moves allll over the crib! We still use a Snuza though.
I like th temperature feature and might use the sensor with another kiddo that isn't so mobile in the crib.
IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944
DS born 12/14/11
Baby #2 FET Nov/Dec 2013
12/13 Beta#1=BFP 349; 12/16 Beta#2=1,089. First ultrasound 12/26. DS#2 born 8/8/14

~~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~~
Ours doesn't have video we have a separate video monitor.
We registered for the video monitor and got it as a shower gift before we realized we *needed* Angel Care for our tummy sleeper.
I also have the deluxe model. DS was bedsharing/cosleeping up until 5 days ago, so we also had the Snuza. I put the snuza on while bedsharing and used the AC when in the crib. Now that DS is in his room, I have the AC and a video monitor at my bedside at night. Yes, I am already very overbearing, I know LOL,
I do not know how I could sleep at night w/o the AC!
We have one that our next door neighbors gave to us. We've had one false alarm and one (what I still think) was a real alarm.
The false alarm happened when DS had moved off the sensor into the very far corner of the crib. We moved the sensor up closer to that area, because he seems to favor it.
I *think* we had a real alarm one night... because he wasn't off the sensor, and when the alarm went off, we went in there, turned the lights on, lifted him out of his crib, and he didn't wake up even with all the ruckus. But he did start breathing again.
Totally worth having it and even if our neighbors hadn't given it to us I would have bought one. In fact that's why they gave it to us, because I told them I was going to go buy one. A neighbor's son who lived in my former community died of SIDs, and I still remember hearing her cry on her balcony... I simply cannot imagine the horror. ;(
My Blog
We love our AC monitor. We have the basic version with no video, one sensor pad, temp monitoring and a nightlight. There have been times when I wished we had the video option but our house is small and it isn't a big deal to walk a few steps to DD's room.
We had our first false alarm this weekend. She is starting to move around more at night and she got too far away from the sensor.
It has been wonderful to have the added piece of mind. I would highly recommend the AC system.
We have this one
Around a month old we realized that we had a tummy sleeper too and I feel a lot better about it using this monitor. The video quality is better than I expected and now I can't imagine Jack sleeping across the house without it. My husband did come up with the good idea of attatching it to our camera tripod so that the monitor was up above the crib.
We never had a false alarm till a couple of weeks ago, and we have had 3 since. I want to keep using the sensor pad but if it keeps alarming we may have to rethink that.
The Snuza will work just as well when it's clipped on the back of the diaper. had a tummy sleeper for a while and found this out