Does LO have a nightlight in his/her room that stays on all night? When you go in at night for feedings/diaper changes do you turn a light on?
DS has a very dim nightlight (on all the time) in his room, so dim that it doesn't shed enough light for diaper changes or even a quick check on him. I also have a motion sensor nightlight that comes on when I go in to check on him. I've always turned on a small lamp on the opposite side of his room when I go in to feed change him (7watt CFL bulb). It doesn't seem to bother him and I don't feel like he's any more awake than if I left it off. I'm just wondering what everyone else does. I just read that you should not turn a light on when going in for feedings/changes/checks but even with my "night vision" its so dark that its hard for me to see how DS is positioned (if sleeping). I read this in the same book that says 5 hours = STTN. Ha!
Re: night wakings--light on/off or nightlight?
We have an Angel Care monitor, so we use the "halo" nightlight on the base. It's a calming, bluish light and, yes, we leave it on all night. We also have a nightlight in the hallway right outside of his room (so I can see where I'm going in the dark) and between those two lights, I am able to see well enough.
For "big" changes (like diaper blowouts/upset stomach requiring a complete pj and sheet change) I do need a little extra light to make sure I get everything cleaned up well. For that, we have the overhead/ceiling light in the nursery on a dimmer switch. It's nice that I can turn on the light, but I can control how bright it gets. Thankfully, I've only needed that 2 or 3 times!
We have the turtle constellation night light that I turn back on before I pick her up from the crib. It shuts off automatically after about a half hour.
I also leave the hall light on dim so I can see where I am going at night.
sibling love
IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944
DS born 12/14/11
Baby #2 FET Nov/Dec 2013
12/13 Beta#1=BFP 349; 12/16 Beta#2=1,089. First ultrasound 12/26. DS#2 born 8/8/14

~~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~~
Our white noise machine has a very dim night light that stays on all the time. I don't ususally change her diaper during night wakings (unless it's poo), because it wakes her up, so I don't turn on any extra light. We do one night feeding though, usually in the living room b/c that's where the rocker is now and I turn on the light in the laundry room with the door cracked a tiny bit so it shines into the kitchen/living room enough for me to make a bottle.
We have a small lamp in her room that I've had to turn on during the very occasional pee-splosions that require new pjs and sheets.
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
I don't turn any lights on at all. The video monitor above his crib has a very dim light so that the night viewing can work, and I guess that's enough light for me to locate him in his crib.
He only pees at night, so I don't do diaper changes at night anymore. If he does a #2, it's usually early morning. Then I have a small lamp that I will turn on or I will crack the shutters in his room for the street lamp outside to illuminate things just a bit.
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We have a nightlight but the bulb died recently and we've noticed DS does better in the darkest room possible.
If for some reason we have to get up with him then we'll turn the closet light on. If I'm just checking on him I'll turn the hall light on.
This is what I would use also when A used to take a bottle in the middle of the night. It was perfect.
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