It all started on Monday night when she woke up at 1:30am (rare) babbling away, so I picked her up and thought she felt a little warm.. Took her temp and it was at 38.3C.. So we give her some Tempra, wipe her with a lukewarm washcloth and take her temp every 1/2 hr for two hours.. It went down to 37.7-37.9 for the rest of the night and all of Tuesday with the help of meds.. But she started to cough, just a couple of coughs every two or three hrs.. So on wednesday I took her to the pedi and he sent her in for an X-ray (scary for both me and DD) and sure enough she has early stage pneumonia.
I got sick almost right away when the doctor told me he suspected pneumonia, maybe it was the stress, but I rarely get sick.. DD is now on antibiotics and she throws up pretty much Everytime she takes her meds..
It hurts to see her like this.. When she cries from coughing she sounds out of breath and heaving.. She whimpers out of nowhere and is eating less.. I really hope this passes soon.. I can't kiss her and am wearing a surgical mask all day because I am so scared I will pass my cold to her too..
I can't think of where might she of caught it except for Gymboree since we didn't go out much last week.. I am seriously thinking of withdrawing because I now wonder about how often they do sanitize the mats/equipment..
Thanks for listening..
Re: DD has pneumonia - I've got a cold (vent)
sibling love