so we tried sleep-training E last week using the sleep lady shuffle. basically, DH sits next to her after we put her down and she basically cries herself to sleep as he soothes her. there should be some progress after a few days, but after doing 8 times, she still consistently cried (and screamed) for about 20 minutes each time and woke up constantly through the night.
i am so spent. the only way she is going down now is if we push her in a stroller outside. it's so exhausting. we're going to bite the bullet and hire a sleep consultant because we're going crazy over here!
Re: sleep training: big fat fail. :(
This. I find DD gets more worked up when I am there and not picking her up. As tough as it was/is to hear her cry it took 2 nights for bedtime training. She now puts herself to sleep completely and it has cut back on her night wakings.
i agree. as much as you may not want to, cio may be in your future. some babies/kids just get worse with the parent(s) in the room or even checking in on them
LCT - 5.15.14 ~ 9lbs, 22.5 inches