
tailbone pain?

Just wanted to see if anyone else is/was experiencing this....  I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant with twins (FTM) and for the past couple of days I have been having pains in my tailbone.  It's been worse today, especially when I walk.  When I sit its better, but I can still feel that it's sore.  When I stand up or shift my weight from one hip to the other, it's like a quick stabbing pain.  I called the Dr. office and they said it's probably from the pressure of the expanding uterus.  They suggested I take Tylenol and a heating pad on the lowest setting for 15min on/15 mins off.  They also told me if I was really concerned I was more than welcome to come into the office to ease any concerns.  I'm going to give the tylenol and heating pad a try and see how it goes...

I had no idea I would be experiencing this so early on.  I thought I wouldn't have to worry about this until later on in the pregnancy.

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Re: tailbone pain?

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    Even just the slightest pressure from your uterus on your sciatic nerve can cause sharp and lingering pains anywhere from your tailbone to your hips to your inner thigh. Mine has been the worst on my left inner hip, and it comes and goes. I found that doing a few gentle stretches either on my hands and knees (belly toward the ground) or leaning forward with my arms to the wall at a good angle can help a bit to shift things an get the pain to stop. Doesn't work every time, but it's worth a shot. 
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    *Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
    Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
    Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013

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    My tailbone hurts like hell if I sit in a chair for more than 15-30 minutes. I brought a pillow to work to sit on and that helped quite a bit but ultimately only laying down makes it feel 100% better.
    TTC 12/2009
    Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
    IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
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    I have been having some significant tailbone pain as well.  I take a pillow to work as I am a therapist and sit for the whole day.  I found that today after I had several bowel movements that the tailbone started to feel better.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I should also share that I have found out about 4 weeks ago that I am expecting twin boys so I just started hanging out on this board Big Smile
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    I've also had it since late in the first tri. I've found that wearing sneakers instead of flip flops helps a little bit. My OB said it's due to my pelvis expanding to make room for the babies. 
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    I had persistent tailbone pain throughout my first pregnancy. I guess it is a pretty normal complaint and my doctors never checked it out closely. Turns out I had a pilonidal cyst. It is too disgusting to describe, google it. Ick! It resolved itself 4 days after I gave birth while I was back in the hospital with my jaundiced son. It was honestly one of the most painful things that I have ever experienced. I kept complaining about excruciating pain and everyone just chalked it up to recovery from a 9 lbs baby and I didn't know any better. Finally the NICU nurse asked to see and I hiked up my PJs and she got this horrified look and sent me down to the ER. Ugh, not fun. I hope you just have ordinary tailbone pain but I put this out there just in case it helps someone else.
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    Thanks!  Glad I'm not alone.  Did it get better for any of you or did the pain stay with you throughout the pregnancy?

    I might go out and buy one of those donut pillows.  I have a desk job and a 1 hour commute on the bus each way.


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    I had persistent tailbone pain throughout my first pregnancy. I guess it is a pretty normal complaint and my doctors never checked it out closely. Turns out I had a pilonidal cyst. It is too disgusting to describe, google it. Ick! It resolved itself 4 days after I gave birth while I was back in the hospital with my jaundiced son. It was honestly one of the most painful things that I have ever experienced. I kept complaining about excruciating pain and everyone just chalked it up to recovery from a 9 lbs baby and I didn't know any better. Finally the NICU nurse asked to see and I hiked up my PJs and she got this horrified look and sent me down to the ER. Ugh, not fun. I hope you just have ordinary tailbone pain but I put this out there just in case it helps someone else.

     oh boy... maybe i will mention that at my next appt just to be safe!  sorry to hear you had to deal with that

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    I had this at about 12 weeks also. I made the mistake of lying on the floor and trying to stretch, it ended in tears and agony. Don't make the same mistake I made, keep your tailbone away from the hardwood floors! Smile Heat and tylenol did help me. In my case the pain only lasted about two days and it hasn't returned. I hope the same can be said for you!
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    I had this at about 12 weeks also. I made the mistake of lying on the floor and trying to stretch, it ended in tears and agony. Don't make the same mistake I made, keep your tailbone away from the hardwood floors! Smile Heat and tylenol did help me. In my case the pain only lasted about two days and it hasn't returned. I hope the same can be said for you!


    thank you for some hope! lol  I did some googling before posting on here and read a few posts where some women basically said "get used to it, it only gets worse"

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    I have had pain around my tailbone, but I also dislocated it giving birth to my son, so I assumed that's why.  I never had it with either of my previous pregnancies.  It makes me so scared of all the aches and pains that will be worse with this pregnancy!
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    I broke my tailbone when delivering my son four years ago, so I've learned a lot about physical therapy in this area.  There are physical therapists who specialize in the pelvic floor area/women's issues, and they will do manipulations on the tailbone to get it moved into the right place or to start getting it to move more naturally.  You need a specialist though. . .lots of physical therapists are generalists who help with everything from knee replacements to back pain.  Good luck!
    Identical twin girls born via c-section 12/3/12 Son born 3/26/08
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