I know we're all at different stages (BFing, not BFing, weaning, pregnant, etc.), but I'm curious.
I stopped pumping a few weeks ago (took me 5 weeks to wean off pump, DS self-weaned from nursing at 6 months). I'm finally to the point where my breasts have softened a bit which is a huge relief because for several days I was in quite a bit of pain. I used the NUK brand gel packs that I'd freeze and then shove in my bra. Sometimes when I'd change DS he'd be bucking around on his changing table and would just nail me right in the boob with a swift kick....YEOW! Hoping things will "firm up" a bit because I feel saggy and I'm still not able to wear my pre-baby/non-nursing bras yet (mostly because they feel too tight around my ribcage).
1. What "stage" are you in?
2. If you're no longer nursing/pumping, have your breasts returned to normal size or are they larger/smaller than pre-pregnancy?
Re: How are "the girls" holding up?
1. What "stage" are you in? I weaned about 3 weeks ago.
2. If you're no longer nursing/pumping, have your breasts returned to normal size or are they larger/smaller than pre-pregnancy? One of the girls is down to pre-pregnancy size, one is bigger. Yay, the fun of BFing.
1. Still breastfeeding / pumping
2. I'm not happy with my boobs to be honest. I'm losing weight, which is awesome, but I think the more weight I lose, the more my boobs sag. I have been rocking nursing tanks pretty much 24/7, and just the other day I had to make the strap as short as possible because I thought they were looking pretty saggy. I think it is time to find some good bras, and hope that helps my situation. My areola got huge and dark with pregnancy / breastfeeding, I guess it will go back to normal when I wean?
I weaned about 3 weeks ago and the girls are looking might saggy
. Like deflated balloons. It's weird - pre-pregnancy bras aren't too big, but my naked boobs are definitely not so perky anymore.
I almost posted a really similar question - except I want to know when the girls will go back to normal (if ever)!
Not breastfeeding or pumping.
I also have the "deflated balloon" look. I'm back into pre-pregnancy bras, but the girls are majorly saggy. DH thinks it's funny *sigh* I really can't see them ever going back to normal.
BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
1. What "stage" are you in?
We're still EBFing but I'm answering the second question anyway
2. If you're no longer nursing/pumping, have your breasts returned to normal size or are they larger/smaller than pre-pregnancy?
My boobs went up a cup size during pregnancy but didn't grow after that, except when I'm engorged (which happened all the time for the first few months but is rarer now, thankfully.)
My nipples got bigger when I was pregnant the first time, even though I was only pregnant two months, and they never went back to normal so I don't really expect them to now... especially after BFing kicked the crap out of them. : P
I am in the process of weaning right now (stopped EBF Sunday).
Right now the girls look and feel like 2 baseballs on my chest. They are feeling a little less sore than they have the last 2 days so I am hoping they start to deflate soon. I am a little scared of what they will look like when they are empty. I have not even tried on my pp bras, but since I got pregnant only 2 months after weaning DS I am not even sure what my normal would be. I plan on getting measured in the middle of August when I have to do my back to work shopping.
I was a DD pp and I am now just a very full DD. I definitely will have some sagging issues once DS weans. My nipples are not pretty either.