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sibling love
IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944DS born 12/14/11
Baby #2 FET Nov/Dec 2013
12/13 Beta#1=BFP 349; 12/16 Beta#2=1,089. First ultrasound 12/26. DS#2 born 8/8/14~~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~~
Those are hilarious! This one is funny too:
Greenbaby3114:Those are hilarious! This one is funny too:
Lol, that is too funny!!!
Haha. Oh what we have to look forward to! :-P
I can't remember if this has been brought up here or not. But this one makes me laugh EVERY.TIME.
lckcdc3:Farting cross eyed ducks and taco the dog had me LOLing!
Me too!
Re: For a little giggle snort
sibling love
IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944
DS born 12/14/11
Baby #2 FET Nov/Dec 2013
12/13 Beta#1=BFP 349; 12/16 Beta#2=1,089. First ultrasound 12/26. DS#2 born 8/8/14

~~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~~
Those are hilarious! This one is funny too:
Success After Losses. I carry your
Lol, that is too funny!!!
sibling love
Haha. Oh what we have to look forward to! :-P
I can't remember if this has been brought up here or not. But this one makes me laugh EVERY.TIME.
Me too!