December 2011 Moms

Breastfeeding, Pumping, AF

I am curious about others' experiences with the return of AF related to the # of pumping or nursing sessions per day.

I had a terrible experience with make a long story short, I never could get a latch without terrible pain.  Sometimes I wonder if I should have just stuck it out, but it was so miserable that I couldn't get let-down.  Anyway, I started out pumping after DS came home from the hospital because he was a lazy, lazy nurser.  I had this idea that I would exclusively pump, and it ended up being a crazy idea (for me).  I was pumping 7 times/day (not enough, probably, but I didn't have it in me to do anymore).  I watched my supply drop, started supplementing because I was only producing about 16 oz/day at the time, and decided at 5 wks to try to get him back on the breast, but it was SO painful (as I mentioned above).  So I made the decision to stop all of it, wean off the pump and move exclusively to formula.  I weaned down to 3 pumps a day and actually saw a supply increase (20oz/day - still not enough to not supplement, but more than half of his daily intake).  So I continued because it seemed doable.  Six months later I am still doing it...

In the last two weeks, my supply has dropped by a few onces/day and has not increased again.  I feel kind of crampy like something is going on, but still no AF.  I was pretty surprised that I've been able to go this long without its return.  For those who have begun to wean, when did AF return?  I know it's different for every woman, but I'm just looking for some of your experiences.  Lately I've been having engorgement pain occasionally right now my right boob feels like it's full of cement.

I'm so on the fence with this pumping business.  I'd really like to stop, for selfish reasons, like not having to get up quite so early, and having my lunch break back.  But then I feel like I should just keep with it, for the good of DS.  UGH...I'm so conflicted!

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Re: Breastfeeding, Pumping, AF

  • Ugh, I could recite your same story. It sucks not being able to nurse! Pumping stinks. I did it for 6 months - literally, to the day. Then I stopped. And let me tell you, life is much better!! I felt no guilt because I was totally ready when I stopped. If I had stopped earlier, I think it would have been much harder emotionally. Anyway, to your question, I started getting exactly what you're talking about - supply drop, crampiness, etc., at about 5 months PP. My supply never bounced back (though I was still producing). I stopped pumping at 6 months and think I'm about to get my first real period (I'm about 6.5 months PP now).
  • I hear you on the pain of pumping. I also had issues with BF-- DS was tongue-tied and we had latch issues. It was so painful and I began dreading nursing him so I made the decision to EP. I EP'd for almost 6 months and finally decided to wean him to formula when we went on our trip. The last time I pumped was probably 3 weeks ago and I still have not had a visit from AF (not that I'm upset about that :)).

     I commend you for making it as long as you have with pumping... I know how exhausting and time consuming it can be. I was pumping 5 times a day for a half hour each time. One suggestion I can offer is-- have you tried a hand pump? I used a double electric pump all through my EPing but I brought a hand pump with me on my trip as I was not quite done weaning. Although it was a PIA because of the obvious reasons-- for me it was WAY faster than my electric pump. I actually probably would have stuck with it longer if I had discovered this before. Just remember that a happy mom is a happy baby and be proud that you have given him BM as long as you have!

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  • imagehurly03:
    Ugh, I could recite your same story. It sucks not being able to nurse! Pumping stinks. I did it for 6 months - literally, to the day. Then I stopped. And let me tell you, life is much better!! I felt no guilt because I was totally ready when I stopped. If I had stopped earlier, I think it would have been much harder emotionally. Anyway, to your question, I started getting exactly what you're talking about - supply drop, crampiness, etc., at about 5 months PP. My supply never bounced back (though I was still producing). I stopped pumping at 6 months and think I'm about to get my first real period (I'm about 6.5 months PP now).


    Oh and I agree with this-- life is great not having to drag my pump everywhere or schedule my time around having to pump. :)

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  • once i cut down to morning & night only, it came about a month later. i had 2-3 weeks of cramps b4 it finally came
  • wow, you are lucky...I EBF and AF came 3 months PP and has showed up every month since.  I do know that frozen cabbage leaves are supposed to help with the engorgement part of it..I hope it doesn't end up being too painful.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I had my first pp period last month, and just got it for the second time.  I'm still breastfeeding and I do notice a dip in my supply when AF appears.  Both times it came on a Tuesday, and Monday I pumped significantly less than I pumped the end of last week.  I think my supply was also lower Sat / Sun, but because I wasn't pumping I'm not entirely sure.  The good news is, if it is related to AF, it will it should go back to normal in a few days.

    And I hate pumping, I'm not sure if I could keep it up if I didn't have the 'reward' of breastfeeding E.  Congrats to you for making it this long with pumping! 

    laying down the law on Oahu's North Shore

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  • I just stopped pumping this week.  I still nurse DD before bed and when she gets up in the morning but give formula during the day.  When I first went back to work I was pumping 3 times at work and twice at home and was getting more than enough for her bottles.  Around 5 months it dropped enough that I started supplementing but about 2/3rds of her bottles were still BM.  Then around 6 months we were around half.  By 7 months I was getting 4-5oz total all day so I made the decision to stop.  It was a bittersweet decision, but even just these past few days, it has made all the difference for my stress level!

    Do what you have to do and know that making it this long is amazing!

    oh, and still no sign of AF (but I also have Mirena so I'm not sure if I'll even get a noticeable period)

    AVT - 12.2.11

    LCT - 5.15.14 ~ 9lbs, 22.5 inches

  • I weaned DD down to 2 nursing sessions a day 2 weeks ago.  No signs of AF.  

    TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!!  Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) 
    #1 born December 2011
    TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
    #2 born May 2013
    TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
    #3 born August 2015 
    #4!!!!!!! due June 2017 
  • Thanks for all these responses.  It makes me really wished I had been posting back when I was going through these challenges.  It was a really emotionally trying time, and caused strife between DH and me because I couldn't decide what to do.  I had a lot of guilt about it at first. 

    And, like posters said, I guess I'll know when I'm really ready to stop pumping.  I think I am getting there, though.

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