December 2011 Moms


I just noticed your new ticker. Congratulations!!

Re: Skyllingstadl

  • haha thanks! It was unexpected to say the least but we are very excited! I was in complete shock for the first 24 hours after finding out but we are really pumped now :-) How are things going for your LO? I've been thinking about you guys!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • -T--T- member

    haha thanks! It was unexpected to say the least but we are very excited! I was in complete shock for the first 24 hours after finding out but we are really pumped now :-) How are things going for your LO? I've been thinking about you guys!


    I can imagine the shock. I believe I would be shocked too! I'm so excited for you guys!

    Things are going better over here. It's always a bumpy road with this one! I think God thought my life was too boring and needed some drama. Oh well, I'll take it! 

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