We've taken 3 road trips with our daughter and each time I've packed WAY TOO MUCH.
We have another road trip coming up and I'd like help with packing sensibly!
We will leave in the afternoon on day 1 and return on day 3. What do you think we *really* need to take. Will be staying in a hotel.
Re: If you know how to pack light....help pls.
We've done a few road trips in the past so maybe I can be helpful!
4 outfits
2 pajamas
1 swim suit (if necessary)
16 diapers (if using disposables)
1 package wipes
diaper cream
Baby wash/shampoo
Hair comb
6-10 jars of baby food (depending on how much your LO eats)
2 bottles (if bottle feeding)
1 bottle brush
dish soap for cleaning bottles
1 jar of formula
2 baby spoons
3 bibs
3-4 toys
Pack n Play if hotel doesn't have one + sheet
Blanket for baby
Every time I go to Edmonton I always pack too much for baby, but I would rather have extra for baby instead of not having enough. We always have a full vehicle lol
Do you usually pack too much clothes or other stuff?
Are you in Calgary?
I pack too much everything. Toys, bottles, clothes,toiletries, carriers...
I live in Fort McMurray. I always take our stroller, bumbo chair (which I don't really need), 1 large suitcase for all our clothes, 1 bag for diapers, bottles, food and diaper bag.
This is a great list!!
I am not sure why I didn't think of Fort MacMurray as one of our big cities. We pack the same way! I bag for our clothes. A hamper (the super cute 3 sprouts kind) for her stuff...and then stroller, MEC kid-carrier back pack, ergo...it's ridiculous.
Thank you!
I'm currently packing for a 2 week trip to Nova ScotIa on Wednesday and I'm trying to keep it all in 2 suitcases because I'm also taking her carseat, stroller and PnP.
We're leaving for a roadtrip tomorrow for the exact same length of time. I'm trying really hard to pack light.
I'm not quite all packed but here's my mental list for the baby:
2 outfits for each day.
2 pairs of pajamas for each day.
A bathing suit. (Not sure if we'll need it but you never know.)
A jumbo pack of diapers (24)
The box of wipes
All 6 bottles.
Bottle brush.
Drying rack. (Staying at my in-laws and they don't have one.)
Container of formula.
10 jars of food.
Box of oatmeal.
As for toys, I'm just going to go around the house and grab a bunch of things that she likes. I'm only taking what will fit in a reusable grocery bag. The less we take, the less we have to lose.
Fastest year of my life.
We just came back from our first road trip. We left Friday morning and came back Saturday evening (1 night at a hotel), I EBF and we do BLW, so no need to pack formula or purees.
This is what I packed:
2 sleepers
3 onesies, 2 pairs of pants
enough diapers, wipes and a couple of Walmart bags for the stinky garbage
his favorite toys and a playmat
pacifier and his blankie
white noise maker
his shampoo and a bathtub toy
Highchair/booster seat and bib
Have fun! :-)