I think this came up in either FFFC or UO...
My reasons are that
*we only eat from scratch (aside from pizza take out or sushi take out etc...and canned beans)
*it is too easy
*I think the sooner a family can be enjoying the same meals the better. Next week we'll all have a cream of butternut squash and chicken soup.
Re: Why do you prepare your own baby food?
My main reason was cost. Plus, I like to cook.
Other reasons include:
*not having a ton of empty jars to deal with.
*being able to adjust how much she eats without wasting.
*the ingredients are fresher.
*I can feed her local produce (I'm a farmers market junkie).
There are other reasons but thats the chunk of it.
I like to cook and it's easy. Right now in the summer, I have more time.
Tastes better, more nutritious, fresher, and I feel good about giving it to him. To be honest, many of the jars varieties disgust me.
I want him to eat some of the same things we do. He actually doesn't get that many purees, I like to share what I have with him when I can.
Saves money.
Forces us to eat better because I keep more fresh food on hand.
At DC she gets premade stuff but they provide that "for free" (nothing is ever free lol).
But at home we do it just bc its cheaper to buy my own fruits/veggies and take a little aside for the bambi.
It's fun and easy! And I like knowing that what Harry is eating isn't watered down, the store bought purees all have water added, and who knows how much.
I freeze my purees in 1oz cubes so I can give him a wider variety of foods each day instead of all the same thing in the 3oz jar.
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
I like that I know exactly what in going into it..
Not much waste at all.
I can use local produce that is fresh and organic.
Its fun and easy:)
Seems more affordable.
Like other PPs have said: cheaper, healthier, I enjoy it!
I saw that in FFFC and totally rolled my eyes. I don't care what other people feed their children...that's their business. But you have to be blind not to see the benefits IMO.
My reasons:
~I wanted to know what my child is eating at this stage. I didn't want super watered down baby food or unnecessary preservatives.
~The cost....like PP said--I can get so many servings out of so little cost.
~I do like doing it. It really doesn't take that long with a stick blender you can just rinse off. I can easily make a whole month of baby food in a little over an hour (several different kinds).
~No waste. Although I've seen some fun Pinterest ideas to do with the jars.
~Cuts back on annoying trips down the baby isles!
~I also like how I can make it as pureed or as chunky as I wish. As DS is getting a bit older I like him to experience different textures to promote more chewing.
This was a reason for me as well. Cost was another big reason for me and now that I am doing it I love telling my husband that I just made 2 weeks worth of baby food for $15-20. Plus I actually enjoy it very much.
-knowing exactly what he's getting
-it's fun! (and I don't even typically enjoy cooking)
I should mention we do some store bought too. Those who send homemade to daycare how do you do it? What do you send? I'd like to send it but seems like most everything will brown up/get gross sitting in the fridge for a couple hours.
I will send anything I make. I just put it in reusable plastic containers with lids. I put it in the fridge the night before and mix with cereal the next morning when it's thawed. The only thing that browns is bananas, but LO still eats them. The browning doesn't affect the taste.
Thanks! Had no idea it was so simple!
I make all of DD's food because it's more nutritious.. Also in my opinion, jar baby food is essentially canned food, if we don't eat from cans, why give it to your child? I just think something that could be put on the shelf without refrigeration for that long cannot be good for them.
We cook for ourselves, why not cook for our children?
My daycare tells me that I can't bring in homemade food. How this is different than me bringing in my pumped milk I have no idea. Has anyone else come across it? They told me it has to do with state regs.