Eco-Friendly Family

Bug Spray brands for 3mo baby?

Any recommendations? We will be at a cottage on a lake in upstate NY for 10 days and I guarantee I'll need bug spray for DS- I recall mosquitoes eating me alive when I was a kid. We live in the Southwest now, so we don't have a problem with bugs. Freaks me out to think about spraying my baby with chemicals. If you have any suggestions, I'd love it, thanks!
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Re: Bug Spray brands for 3mo baby?

  • I just asked my pedi this yesterday for my 9 month old. She said absolutely nothing with DEET. Also, in the natural ones are mostly essential oils, some of which are not meant to be used on children as young as yours. She recommended the clip on OFF fan thing. I would avoid putting anything directly on baby and just spray the pack n play, stroller etc... or get bug netting. Doctor also said at ngiht when it cools down, put long sleeves and pants on that are very light weight. 
  • You could use lavender oil which is a natural mosquito deterrent. Plus, it smells good. California Baby makes a spray which is lavender, citronella, sandalwood, etc... All which deter mosquitoes. Target carries it or online.

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  • I just found out California Baby makes a great bug repellant and I cn get it at Target- also was told to use a fan to "blow away" mosquitoes, etc...
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