I had a student named Maranda this year. It drove me nuts to see it spelled this way. It's also a different pronunciation in my book. Miranda would be Mih-ran-da, Maranda would be Mah-ran-da.
It's my name and from shakespeare. Please spell it correctly with the i. However, on pronunciation, with the "i" it is pronounced Mer (rhymes with her) anda.
Agreed! It sounds like a joke I heard not too long ago about a girl with a first name spelled all to hell and the guy was like "Tell your parents to learn how to spell."
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Agreed! It sounds like a joke I heard not too long ago about a girl with a first name spelled all to hell and the guy was like "Tell your parents to learn how to spell."
Lol. But I've seen it both ways IRL.
My cousin is "Maranda."
My vote's for Miranda.