It's difficult for me to talk with my friends who are pregnant with singletons, just because they make me really nervous and can't comiserate with the cramps and pains that seem to come with twin pregnancy. I have had zero spotting and am 11 weeks. But I seem to get pretty decent cramps and some little zings of pain on either side of my abdomen every now and then. Nothing where I'm doubled over, but just annoying and it's obviously concerning. I know it's normal for uterine stretching, but does anyone else wonder "is my normal other people's normal?"
I have my NT scan next week so I'm trying not to worry until then, I guess just wanted some affirmation from my multiple mamas that little cramps and pains at 11 weeks is still normal....
Re: cramps & pains
You're definitely not alone - the multiples put a lot more early havoc on your body than singles do. What I'm feeling at the start of month two, I didn't feel with my girls until month four.
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013