Cloth Diapering

Cure for diaper sores?

LO occasionally gets really bad diaper sores. It usually happens after a big wet night, or if he ate something "powerful". They will turn into blister-like or open sores because they won't clear up. If this happens to you, what do you do that is CD safe?

I use pocket dipes with a microfleece bum layer. Yes, I keep the CDs clean and stripped, etc. No, I don't have money to go out and buy a superior option of CDs. I have been forced to use sposies with DesitinNo

Re: Cure for diaper sores?

  • Easy. No judgement on your diaper type. I use CJs and love it. Lots of mamas swear by coconut oil. Since this is a reoccurring sensitivity for your LO - consider slathering a thick layer of a CD safe cream (as thick as you can anyway as most of them melt) on every night before bed or when he eats foods that seem to trigger this. It may provide a preventative barrier.
    Soon to be Big Sister Eowyn - DOB February 2012
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     BabyFruit Ticker

    My family is a Foreign Service family. Families like mine are posted in every corner of the globe. We live our lives away from family, friends and the conviences and comforts of home. We often live and work in dangerous places among those that misunderstand our intentions and purposes. Sometimes members of our ranks sacrifice our lives to further diplomacy.  Please remember that we serve too. And I'm always open to questions.

  • imagesoftskate31:
    You should talk to your pedi...big open sores is NOT normal, even after a bad poo or wet night. I dont rely on CD safe products for bad rasj Hes b/c they dont stay on thick enough to really protect the bum. The thickest CD safe (safe enough) cream is Aveeno diaper cream, but for bad rashes i use Triple Paste and a sacrificial cloth liner or sposies (disposable liners arent enough with triple paste.

    This.  I would definitely talk to your pedi about it.  That doesn't seem normal to me.  If DD has a bad rash I try to treat with Aveeno diaper cream with liners in my CDs.  If that doesn't help, I move on to Triple Paste with sposies coupled with lots of naked time.

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  • I used to use coconut oil as soon as I'd see the beginnings of a rash and it always cleared it up by the next day if not by the next diaper change. We make our own wipes and I've just started putting coconut oil in the wipes and she hasnt had a rash since. That being said, she's never had an open sore or blister and I do agree with the other ladies that talking to the doc wouldnt hurt.

  • How do you do coconut oil in your wipes?? I would love to know. I am now discovering the many wonderful properties of it, but have not yet used it as rash cream. 



    On to topic: I use Grandma El's, a pretty thick slathering. My DS has his incisors coming in, and though he's typically not prone to rashes, he's been having diharrea and very frequent diaper changes for the last two days. Ive kept him only in pocket diapers with microfleece or microsuede and plenty of grandma el's and he's doing great.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker imagePhotobucket
  • Open sores may be a bacterial infection and may require an antibiotic to clear up.  I would consult your pediatrician.

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I use the recepie off of this site

    and just substitute the baby oil for coconut oil. So far its worked like a charm. :) You just have to make sure your water is hot enough or your oil is already a liquid so that everything mixes well together.

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