I am noticing a LOT of Louisiana gals on this board, which is strange because I haven't on any other board since I joined. So how many of us are there?
Post if you live in the most misrepresented state on TV!
DD#1 11.7.07 - DD#2 11.2.10 (3rd Tri Loss)- DD#3 4.18.12
Re: I <3 Louisiana : LA gals come in plz...
Where between the two?
I'm from the Dell
You are still the closest one to me!
Have you been to the discovery center in Hammond?
Where is that in relation to St. Martinsville? I was out there for Gustav.
We are in the Northeast corner of the state. Gustav brought torrential rain to us for days.
<--- Geography Fail.
We haven't yet but I've heard good things! We mostly stick to story time at the library for outings. She loves the library!
I lived in Ruston for awhile... back before there was a movie theater. We regularly went to West Monroe/Monroe to movie hop!