T1 diabetes diagnosed 11/95 due to severe pancreatic injury BFP 1 1/22/10 EDD 9/30/10 Adria b. 9/11/10 d.8/9/11, Transposition of the Great Arteries, Pleural effusion, Kidney Failure BFP 2 4/26/12 EDD 1/3/13 M/C 5/13/12 BFP 3 10/3/12 EDD 6/17/13 Twins! Preston and Juliet b. 5/22/13
I think it depends what happened. If they hit someone with a car by accident or something, I'd probably cover for them.
If they could end up on an episode of Criminal Minds, I'd turn them in. They obv. need help.
That's why I said I'm obv a bad person. I just can't imagine sending my 6 year old to jail. I also can't imagine her being old enough to drive a car. So. Idk.
I wanna say yes, but probably no. We'd move overseas and hide out forever. Might be fun.
And ms Rebecca, I didn't know you swing that way (new siggy)
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
I think it depends what happened. If they hit someone with a car by accident or something, I'd probably cover for them.
If they could end up on an episode of Criminal Minds, I'd turn them in. They obv. need help.
That's why I said I'm obv a bad person. I just can't imagine sending my 6 year old to jail. I also can't imagine her being old enough to drive a car. So. Idk.
I hope you're joking. If not, I'm giving you the ol' side-eye.
I think it depends what happened. If they hit someone with a car by accident or something, I'd probably cover for them.
If they could end up on an episode of Criminal Minds, I'd turn them in. They obv. need help.
That's why I said I'm obv a bad person. I just can't imagine sending my 6 year old to jail. I also can't imagine her being old enough to drive a car. So. Idk.
I tried to think of a logical response to this. I landed at WTF?
haha, I'm not blaming you. Do I know that I should turn them in? Absolutely. Can I say 100% in every situation that I definitely would? No. I guess that's my problem/point. I feel like my immediate reaction would be to protect her, no matter what. But I can't say for sure what I would do unless I was in the situation. Which is why in the OP I said I couldn't answer my coworker when the question was posed originally.
I wanna say yes, but probably no. We'd move overseas and hide out forever. Might be fun.
And ms Rebecca, I didn't know you swing that way (new siggy)
Im afraid I would have to say no. There are certian cases where I would take my child and run.
Can someone carify under what exact circumstance you wouldn't turn your kid in? If my child came to me and said "Mom, I just killed someone. Please help me hide..." I would first, be absolutly heartbroken but then I'd tell her I wouldn help and call the cops. If she was being falsely accused, then I'd fight like hell for her. But maybe I'm old school. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
I wanna say yes, but probably no. We'd move overseas and hide out forever. Might be fun.
And ms Rebecca, I didn't know you swing that way (new siggy)
Im afraid I would have to say no. There are certian cases where I would take my child and run.
Can someone carify under what exact circumstance you wouldn't turn your kid in? If my child came to me and said "Mom, I just killed someone. Please help me hide..." I would first, be absolutly heartbroken but then I'd tell her I wouldn help and call the cops. If she was being falsely accused, then I'd fight like hell for her. But maybe I'm old school. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Okay, I have a DD. Lets say someone of importance in the community tried to hurt her and she fought back and accidently killed him. Now for me, I would be sitting there thinking they are going to spin this as she killed him in cold blood, because who wants to think this person is bad. In a case like that I would take her and run.
I know this is far out there, but I am sure this kind of thing has happened.
I wanna say yes, but probably no. We'd move overseas and hide out forever. Might be fun.
And ms Rebecca, I didn't know you swing that way (new siggy)
Im afraid I would have to say no. There are certian cases where I would take my child and run.
Can someone carify under what exact circumstance you wouldn't turn your kid in? If my child came to me and said "Mom, I just killed someone. Please help me hide..." I would first, be absolutly heartbroken but then I'd tell her I wouldn help and call the cops. If she was being falsely accused, then I'd fight like hell for her. But maybe I'm old school. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Okay, I have a DD. Lets say someone of importance in the community tried to hurt her and she fought back and accidently killed him. Now for me, I would be sitting there thinking they are going to spin this as she killed him in cold blood, because who wants to think this person is bad. In a case like that I would take her and run.
I know this is far out there, but I am sure this kind of thing has happened.
OK, I can kind of see what you're talking about. But in my book, running = guilty. I think I would stand my ground and fight like hell for my daughter.
I hope we never ever have to deal with that situation.
Yes I would. If it was a car accident and truly not their fault their lawyer would help them. If it was their fault, well they need to face the consequences of their actions.
I wanna say yes, but probably no. We'd move overseas and hide out forever. Might be fun.
And ms Rebecca, I didn't know you swing that way (new siggy)
Im afraid I would have to say no. There are certian cases where I would take my child and run.
Can someone carify under what exact circumstance you wouldn't turn your kid in? If my child came to me and said "Mom, I just killed someone. Please help me hide..." I would first, be absolutly heartbroken but then I'd tell her I wouldn help and call the cops. If she was being falsely accused, then I'd fight like hell for her. But maybe I'm old school. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Okay, I have a DD. Lets say someone of importance in the community tried to hurt her and she fought back and accidently killed him. Now for me, I would be sitting there thinking they are going to spin this as she killed him in cold blood, because who wants to think this person is bad. In a case like that I would take her and run.
I know this is far out there, but I am sure this kind of thing has happened.
OK, I can kind of see what you're talking about. But in my book, running = guilty. I think I would stand my ground and fight like hell for my daughter.
I hope we never ever have to deal with that situation.
I don't know. I would be so scared that she would be found guilty. I would be devastated if I told her to stay and fight and she ended up being put in jail.
I haven't read the other reponses yet but I would turn in anyone who murdered someone. I would turn them in even if it was an accident and even if it was my son or daughter and they were underage.
I can't see how hiding something like this would be ok.
EDIT Put yourself on the other side. What happens when your child is killed by a hit and run driver or something that could be an accident? Do you want that person brought to justice or to have closure knowing what really happened?
I love my kids more than anything in this world and value them more than my own life but I would never, ever, hide them or help them run from the law.
My answer has to be maybe. It totally depends on the circumstances. If my kid was an evil murderer, then yes. I would either turn her in or whack her myself. Gotta save innocent peeps!
i would stand behind them and pay for legal fees depending on circumstances. if they just up and killed someone, I wouldn't help them. if it was a horrible accident, I'd help them.
i would stand behind them and pay for legal fees depending on circumstances. if they just up and killed someone, I wouldn't help them. if it was a horrible accident, I'd help them.
I wanna say yes, but probably no. We'd move overseas and hide out forever. Might be fun.
And ms Rebecca, I didn't know you swing that way (new siggy)
I could go to Amsterdam and hide and then my sons could become models, except I don't like my brother-in-law all that much and I've really given up on cut-off shorts.
When I was in high school, a kid from my sister's class (she's a year younger) stabbed his mother 14 times. His sister (who was in my class) found them and called her dad. The dad came home and called the police.
The story breaks my heart over and over and over in a million ways. I can't imagine it as his sister or as his father.
Re: Would you turn your kid in if they killed someone?
Might be fun.
Yes, I would. No one is above the law, not even my precious children.
Also, why can't you answer the question?
Regardless of age: yes I would turn them in.
I will always love my children but I believe that crimes should be punished and there is a reason for the penal system.
BFP #2 11/30/09 EDD 08/12/10- Sophia Grace born 8/1/10
BFP #3 11/16/10 EDD 08/04/11- Samuel Richard born 7/28/11
BFP #4 01/04/12 EDD 09/19/12- Simon Nathaniel born 9/6/12
BFP #5 03/27/13 EDD 11/25/13- Savannah Lee born 11/18/13
I think it depends what happened. If they hit someone with a car by accident or something, I'd probably cover for them.
If they could end up on an episode of Criminal Minds, I'd turn them in. They obv. need help.
Baby #4; 7/7/2018
T1 diabetes diagnosed 11/95 due to severe pancreatic injury
BFP 1 1/22/10 EDD 9/30/10 Adria b. 9/11/10 d.8/9/11, Transposition of the Great Arteries,
Pleural effusion, Kidney Failure
BFP 2 4/26/12 EDD 1/3/13 M/C 5/13/12
BFP 3 10/3/12 EDD 6/17/13 Twins! Preston and Juliet b. 5/22/13
I would encourage them to turn themselves in. If they didn't, then I would probably go to the police myself.
Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
"><a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/825/1820/8251820.png" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>That's terrible.
That's why I said I'm obv a bad person. I just can't imagine sending my 6 year old to jail. I also can't imagine her being old enough to drive a car. So. Idk.
Baby #4; 7/7/2018
::side-eyes OP::
And ms Rebecca, I didn't know you swing that way (new siggy)
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
<a href
I hope you're joking. If not, I'm giving you the ol' side-eye.
haha, I'm not blaming you. Do I know that I should turn them in? Absolutely. Can I say 100% in every situation that I definitely would? No. I guess that's my problem/point. I feel like my immediate reaction would be to protect her, no matter what. But I can't say for sure what I would do unless I was in the situation. Which is why in the OP I said I couldn't answer my coworker when the question was posed originally.
Baby #4; 7/7/2018
If it was something that would likely result in a manslaughter charge or 2nd degree murder with jail time, yes.
If I thought it would end in life in prison or the death penalty, no. I wouldn't.
This is my siggy. Love it.
Im afraid I would have to say no. There are certian cases where I would take my child and run.
Can someone carify under what exact circumstance you wouldn't turn your kid in? If my child came to me and said "Mom, I just killed someone. Please help me hide..." I would first, be absolutly heartbroken but then I'd tell her I wouldn help and call the cops. If she was being falsely accused, then I'd fight like hell for her. But maybe I'm old school. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Okay, I have a DD. Lets say someone of importance in the community tried to hurt her and she fought back and accidently killed him. Now for me, I would be sitting there thinking they are going to spin this as she killed him in cold blood, because who wants to think this person is bad. In a case like that I would take her and run.
I know this is far out there, but I am sure this kind of thing has happened.
OK, I can kind of see what you're talking about. But in my book, running = guilty. I think I would stand my ground and fight like hell for my daughter.
I hope we never ever have to deal with that situation.
I don't know. I would be so scared that she would be found guilty. I would be devastated if I told her to stay and fight and she ended up being put in jail.
yea, I truly hope I never have to worry about it.
I haven't read the other reponses yet but I would turn in anyone who murdered someone. I would turn them in even if it was an accident and even if it was my son or daughter and they were underage.
I can't see how hiding something like this would be ok.
EDIT Put yourself on the other side. What happens when your child is killed by a hit and run driver or something that could be an accident? Do you want that person brought to justice or to have closure knowing what really happened?
I love my kids more than anything in this world and value them more than my own life but I would never, ever, hide them or help them run from the law.
i would stand behind them and pay for legal fees depending on circumstances. if they just up and killed someone, I wouldn't help them. if it was a horrible accident, I'd help them.
but you have to be accountable for your actions.
I agree with this.
I could go to Amsterdam and hide and then my sons could become models, except I don't like my brother-in-law all that much and I've really given up on cut-off shorts.
Always Sunny's back b-tches!
In a heartbeat.
When I was in high school, a kid from my sister's class (she's a year younger) stabbed his mother 14 times. His sister (who was in my class) found them and called her dad. The dad came home and called the police.
The story breaks my heart over and over and over in a million ways. I can't imagine it as his sister or as his father.
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