Aww! You're right though, she will love the interaction with other children. And then you will REALLY be bored!
Oh my god, I know. I'm trying to be positive and creative, but come on. 17 weeks of this shitses, so long as we can get that far! I'll claw my eyeballs out.
Re: MissNikki
I'm good! How are you? TWINS?! Congrats, mama!!
I know, TWINS! Ahh! It's so exciting/terrifying.
I'm doing well, I'm on bed rest which is proving to be super boring.
Congrats on being KU again yourself! How exciting! Also, your siggy pic is ridiculously adorable!
This is my siggy. Love it.
Oh no. Bedrest sucks. Are you still caring for your LO too?
Thank you and thank you.
She starts day care on Monday.

I know she's going to love it...but I will be a sad panda.
This is my siggy. Love it.
Oh my god, I know. I'm trying to be positive and creative, but come on. 17 weeks of this shitses, so long as we can get that far! I'll claw my eyeballs out.
This is my siggy. Love it.