Here is a quotation taken from Biggest Loser season 11's Hannah Curlee's FB page.
It really irritates me to see it written this way, but I'm not sure whether it is grammatically correct or not. My instincts say it is incorrect.
"So many of you still have so many questions about BL 11 Olivia Ward and I's experience on The Biggest Loser, so I sat down with Yahoo! Shine to give them the down and dirty scoop!"
"...Olivia and I's experience..."
It should be written, "...mine and Olivia's experience," right!?!!1!?
LMK. This really bugs me.
Re: Grammar question.
I ain't no grammar queen but that just don't sound right.
Seriously, though ... I've never seen " I's " before. Ever.
The whole sentence should be restructured so that she can just say "our experience".
"both approaches are linguistically sound but only one is accepted as standard"
Personally, I would probably say Whatsername's and my experiences. From a linguistic RULES standpoint, what she wrote is fine. From a usage standpoint, it's fallen from use or never been standard usage in the first place.
If your question "Is it right?", the answer is technically yes.
If your question is "Is it standard?", the answer is no.
If your question is "Would you use it?", the answer is probably not.
My Blog
I think....
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
<a href
The bold part is correct.
FYI: I would rewrite it.
"So many of you still have so many questions about BL 11 Olivia Ward and I's experience on The Biggest Loser, so I sat down with Yahoo! Shine to give them the down and dirty scoop!"
Would become:
So many of you still have so many questions about the Biggest Loser experience, so Oliva Ward and I sat down with Yahoo! Shine to give them the down and dirty scoop!
My Blog
That is better!
I recall from season 11 that Hannah used this phrase numerous times.
I cringe whether it is correct or not.
Now I am bothered by it.
It is a really bad sentence.
The sentence makes my head hurt.