
What's the craziest thing you wanted to be

When you were a kid? What are you now?
Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD

Re: What's the craziest thing you wanted to be

  • ppantsppants member
    I wanted to be a jockey, but got too tall. I also wanted to play saxophone touring with Bobby Brown. I'm a Nuclear Medicine Technologist.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • Wanted to be:  a gymnast or a ballerina.  I am a total klutz.  At one point, I wanted to be an astronaut.  I asked my parents if I could go to space camp but they said no.

    I am a dentist, training to be a pediatric dentist. 

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  • I wanted to be a famous model/singer/actress up until the age of about 8. Then reality started to set in lol.

    I'm a teacher.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • Marine Biologist.  Turns out, I hate biology.

    ETA: I'm a teacher 

  • imagearagosta:

    An elephant.

    ETA:  I am not currently an elephant.  I am a mental health counselor.

    I find this hilarious! Stick out tongue

  • ames71ames71 member
    I wanted to be the person who named nail polish colors. I'm a graphic designer now.
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  • I wanted to be a Broadway actress. This desire continued through HS and I was actually accepted into a prestigious theater school but couldn't afford to go. I took a year off, decided to major in history and worked as a costumed interpreter for a local history museum for years, so kind of a combination of theater and history. Now I'm a SAHM because history museums don't pay well, but I would love to return to history work.
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  • jess60jess60 member
    I wanted to be a cheerleader & work for the Girl Scout Council like my mom.
    I now work in accounting.

  • I wanted to be a pediatric dentist (as I mentioned in the other thread), architect or magician.  I also dreamed about being on SNL when I was younger.  

    Oops.  ETA: I'm a financial analyst for a hospital. 

  • I wanted to design ballet costumes but I can't draw.  I wanted to be a doctor but I can't hack chemistry.  I wanted to be a professional irish dancer but I can't move my feet that fast.

    Instead I'm a writer.

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    Always Sunny's back b-tches!


  • The job itself isn't crazy -- I wanted to be a vet for the longest time as a kid, but then when I was 9, my hamster died and it was awful for me. I soon realizee that as traumatic as the hamster death was, I would be dealing with worse as a vet. So that was that.

    I'm a teacher now.

    However, my current dream job is to design the displays at IKEA. For real. I love me some IKEA.

  • imagepinkiemo:

    I wanted to design ballet costumes but I can't draw.  I wanted to be a doctor but I can't hack chemistry.  I wanted to be a professional irish dancer but I can't move my feet that fast.

    Instead I'm a writer.

    I also wanted to be an Irish step dancer. I was far too clumsy for that, but I still have an instructional dance video!

    I wanted to be an animator (I can't draw), an actress (I'm too shy), and a geneticist after I read Jurassic Park (I was never good at biology!) I am now a SAHM with no career.

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  • A vet... until I realized vets had to put animals down or deal with their death. That ended that pipe dream.

    After that it was social worker for Children&Youth (CPS). Then my parents began doing foster care. Wow that was a big eye opener. C&Y in my area sucks because their hands are tied something fierce.

    Then I wanted to be a teacher but we have a lot of teachers, not a lot of schools. 

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  • I wanted to be a singer. I'm a Speech Therapist... I love treating voice disorders, but I don't treat singers.
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  • I wanted to be an actess (which I did for a bit), and a model (did that too), then as a fluke I took a temporary position in an aerospace company.  I now work in national defense.  It's not someting I imagined doing, but I like it and I'm really good at it.


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  • I wanted to be a table (there is a picture to prove this that I drew when I was 4). I was a teacher/ABA therapist. I am now a SAHM.
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  • SGC29SGC29 member

    I wanted to be a diesel mechanic. No idea why, or where I got the idea. Completely random. 

    I worked in civil engineering prior to being a SAHM. 

  • I wanted to be a Fly Girl on In Living Color. Not only did the show end, but my dance moves include the sprinkler, start the mower, open the bus door, and etc. So instead I work in quality in the pharma industry.
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  • I wanted to be an archaeologist, or an accountant.  I ended up working with mentally challenged people for 10 years and now I'm a SAHM.
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  • I wanted to be a professional basketball player. I'm short and not that good.

    I was a data analyst before becoming a SAHM. I'm now on the search to enter the workforce again.

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  • I wanted to be a hair dresser. I'm not very good with hair.

    I'm a SAHM now and PT fitness instructor but in previous lives I was an elementary teacher and a radio producer. 

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  • In high school I wanted to be a book critic for romance novels.

    Now I'm attorney for a non-profit firm helping people obtain public benefits (Medicaid, Food Stamps, TA etc...) 

    ETA: after reading the thread about acceptable clothing for a job interview I'm a bit nervous to admit this with some people. Whatever... I love my job! How can you tell someone with cancer they have to die because the hospital won't pay for chemo because they don't have insurance?

    Oops, meant provide instead of pay for 

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  • I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader in my really young days. In high school I wanted to be a print journalist. 

    I became a stock broker and corporate trainer, but now I'm a SAHM.
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  • I wanted to be both a marine biologist and a back up dancer for Janet Jackson.  I now work in commercial insurance.  I'm still working on this career thing.
    imageimageLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BFP 6/12/11, MMC@ around 9wks, D&C 8/23/11 at 12wks BFP#2 Jan 2012 CP 1/19/12 **Miss you baby*** PGAL/PAL Very Welcome For I know the plans I have for you,

    Architect-11 hours from that degree.

    Art Therapist-Sadly never pursued that....the only schools that offered the program were on the East coast at the time and I was unwilling to move that far.  I really think this is what I would have been very good at.

    Teaching-taught for 11 years. 

    ETA-as a little, little girl I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader.  :  / 

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  • imageKissimi21:
    I wanted to be an actess (which I did for a bit), and a model (did that too), then as a fluke I took a temporary position in an aerospace company.  I now work in national defense.  It's not someting I imagined doing, but I like it and I'm really good at it.

    That's very cool! 

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  • skioskio member

    I wanted to be a cowgirl. In the NYC metro area. A cowgirl. 

    I was an editor before resigning to SAH. But I had some cowgirl days in college. And I don't mean that in a dirty way (zing!). I worked at a stable and rode competitively.

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  • I wanted to be a wildlife expert like Steve Irwin when I was a kid!

    I am now training to become a neurosurgeon, and it just feels like endless school.

    IMG_0512_zpsed7c1a63-1_zpsc1dbda7c photo IMG_0512_zpsed7c1a63-1_zpsc1dbda7c.jpg
  • imagemissmolly511:

    I wanted to be a wildlife expert like Steve Irwin when I was a kid!

    I am now training to become a neurosurgeon, and it just feels like endless school. go.  That's very impressive. 

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  • I wanted to train dolphins and whales at Marineland.  I am a nurse.  We do have an aquarium at work and occasionally I remember to feed the fish.  Close enough huh?
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  • I wanted to be a teacher.

    I am a teacher.

    I want to go back to school to be a lactation consultant. Yeah, I'm doing that when DD is old enough to go to school. 

  • imagemissmolly511:

    I wanted to be a wildlife expert like Steve Irwin when I was a kid!

    I am now training to become a neurosurgeon, and it just feels like endless school.

    Are you a SAHM like your bio says or a neurosurg resident? Or both? That would be a lot to juggle.




  • I wanted to be a costume designer. I am a teacher / will be a Librarian.
    Jack Anderson 2.28.10 Our amazing little man. image
  • I wanted to be an oceanographer detective with the NYPD so I could work with the Hardy Boys. Then I found out that NYC is not near enough an ocean and the Hardy Boys aren't real. I was bummed Crying

    I have worked in retail or customer service all my adult life, even while I subbed, and now I do QA for a call center. image

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



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  • imageSarahL77:

    I wanted to be a famous model/singer/actress up until the age of about 8. Then reality started to set in lol.

    I'm a teacher.

    Kinda similar.

    at about 9 I thought being a Charlie's Angel was an option.  my bff and i went about the neighborhood looking glam and solving crime.

    I'm a teacher .

    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • I'm late to this, but when I was little I wanted to be a ballerina, a lawyer or a political scientist. I used to ask for information pamphlets on these professions and they would mail me info on them. I was like 12. Yeah, I was one of those kids Stick out tongue

    Now, I'm a librarian and being keen is okay Big Smile

  • I was going to be a My Little Pony.
    Now I'm a SAHM.
    Ehh, close enough.
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  • I wanted to be a gymnast or an iceskater......but I didn't realize you had to "train" for these things ha ha


    Now i'm a SAHM and I manage all our rental properties.

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  • I wanted to be a news anchor.  Yah, like on CNN or something.  Craziness. 

    After that, I wanted to be an actress.


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  • I wanted to be a jockey (way to tall) or a horse trainer or horse vet for a long time or a wildlife photographer/videographer for Discovery. I grew up watching an absurd amount of wildlife shows so I blame that :).

    I'm now in HR/Recruiting (8 years) after getting my degree and certification to teach high school history and realizing I hated it during my student teaching.  Still not sure this is what I want to do when I grow up, the next few years should tell me a lot. 

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