
loss repost from 12-24 (now with gifs!)

So no need to rehash the whole thing in detail but basically over the weekend I had a CP.  Since I was unaware of the migration at the time, I wanted to repost here because we decided not to tell anyone IRL and you guys are basically the only ones I'm talking to about it.  Hopefully gifs make up for a repost.

Found out last Monday I was pregnant again, even though we had decided to take a TTC break.  I told DH with a cutesy early Father's Day present and we were a little freaked but both really excited.  But then my temp dropped right before we went on vacation.  When I got off the plane I started spotting and by that evening it went heavy and red.  On Father's Day I took another pregnancy test and it was now negative.  It sucked but I'm doing better.  At first I was really bummed, much more than I thought I was going to be.

In sum:

Ross Jumping

?Dear Lord, I don?t pretend to have much credit with you. I?m not even sure that you?re there. But if you are, and if I?ve ever done anything good, I beg you to keep him safe.?



Thanks for all the support ladies.  I really appreciate being able to come on and vent.

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Re: loss repost from 12-24 (now with gifs!)

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