I recently had to explain to a 25 year old woman that she didn't have to remove her tampon to pee or to poop.... I also had to explain that when it is inserted correctly you cannot feel it and it doesn't slide out of your cooch if you squat.
She really didn't know....
What ridiculous crap have you heard lately?
Re: What-the-mother-effin'-eff?
Years ago, my DH was clerking in a rural Georgia county. A woman was in court for something and at hand was the issue that she was PG again. When asked about this - she said that the birth control pills she was given didn't work.
When she put them "up there", they kept falling out.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Oh Jesus...must have been like throwing a hotdog down a hallway in there.
A friend I work with...intelligent woman, but how do you not know these things? She says she goes through like 4 boxes of tamps each cycle.
I will say, depending on the kind of poop and if I need to push or not - the tampon sometimes does come out on it's own....
But when peeing? And 4 boxes a cycle? Wow.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I was asked if smoking embalming fluid could affect the results of an HIV test.
A different person asked if you could spread salmonella by serving lasagna with your hands.
BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Oh. Just oh.
This is how you are supposed to take the if you are puking sick. Though if they are falling back out I can understand why they won't work!
I've actually heard of this. It's crazy.
me too
Silly girls. Wrong hole.
I agree with PP's...I change my tampon when I go to the bathroom because I don't like having pee and stuff on my tampon string. I'm sure the germs could travel up the string into my vag.
I have also heard about the vodka tampons.
I also heard about some people funnel alcohol into their bums because you get drunk faster and no booze on your breath. Weirdos.
Urban legend.
How exactly would one insert a wet tampon?
And come on ladies, tuck the string when you poop. Problem solved.
I have heard of a lot of younger girls around my area doing that. It is supposed to get you drunker faster, but there is some serious risk involved in doing that.
Yeah, the risk is that you'll feel like a jackass trying to insert a swollen, flaccid wet tampon. Not possible.
And according to the Snopes article, even a super-plus is only going to hold one shot. Not enough to get you drunk.
And beyond that, La-a and Female are the only girls actually doing this.
I was under the impression that vodka was the drink of choice for alcoholics specifically b/c you can't smell it on their breath.