I had an appt on Friday & she did a pap & tested for various things. She discovered I have Bacterial Vaginosis, it's similar to a yeast infection. I have no symptoms, & the Dr. said had the high risk doc not specifically requested it she would have never thought to test for it based on what she saw.
Usually BV is harmless but in pg women it can trigger preterm labor. I asked if its likely I would've been tested during my pg w/ Nathaniel and she said no. Not unless I was complaining of symptoms. I also was not tested for it at the hospital when I delivered.
So I have a round of antibiotics and then I'll be retested periodically. While I'm so glad they found this now and can be treated, it makes me sad to think that something so trivial could have cost my son his life. Apparently it's very common to have recurring BV so it's totally possible I had it then too. I have had it once before (that I know of) but I had symptoms then. That was 9 years ago.
One of the strangest parts is that I don't fit the "risk categories" for women who get BV. I don't have multiple sex partners, I don't have a new sex partner, I don't douche and I don't smoke cigarettes. So...???
So ladies, if you are like me and had an unexplained loss due to preterm labor, push your Dr. to test you for this. I wish I had known this 7 months ago. Of course I will never know if this caused my loss, but it does make me wonder.
Re: Possibly a clue ***rainbow pg mentioned***
I know it must be bittersweet, but I'm so glad they found this now and can watch for it with this pregnancy! As far as not fitting in the "risk categories" I am literally the anti typical pre-e mama: not overweight, Caucasian (yes for some reason that's one of the categories?), no previous high BP, not a multiples pregnancy, I could go on... "risk categories" don't mean much to me anymore sadly.
So glad that you can be watched though!
Married the love of my life 7/11/09 - Our first baby, Peyton Mark, was born sleeping 10/25/11 at 33 weeks - Our second baby, BFP 2/4/12, welcome to the world Raylan! Holy Moly, BPF 2/4/14, please be safe and sound little one!
My Blog
This!! I firmly believe this too. I hope one day there aren't all these "unexplained" losses.