
Have you cut DD's hair yet?

I mean other than mullet cleanup and whatnot. DD's hair is always in her face. I cut her bangs once when she was 1 and it was fug. Her dad wants her hair out of her face though. Is there a website that has cute pics? Does your kid have cute hair? i need help.

Re: Have you cut DD's hair yet?

  • imageMandJS:
    We still haven't cut any of it. We just pin the bangs back with barrettes or put her hair in pig tails.

    This is what i do. However, he seems to have major issues accomplishing these massive feats. 

  • I didn't cut it until she was 18 mos - 2 y/o, mostly to even it up a bit.  She has curly hair, so no bangs for us.  She has whispies in her face all.the.time.  When she was little, I used those little, stretchy plastic hair bands to pull her hair up out of her face.  now she wears head bands.

    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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  • I used to cut J's hair (my 4 year old) when she was little. I kept it trimmed and cut her bangs myself until I let the bangs grow and it's at her waist now. We trim regularly at a salon these days.




    DD#1 11.7.07 - DD#2 11.2.10 (3rd Tri Loss)- DD#3 4.18.12
  • Aloe0lAloe0l member
    No.  I'm paranoid her curls will disappear like mine did when my mom finally chopped my hair.
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  • We've only done mullet clean-up and trims, but I still think my kid has cute hair.  But she has long bangs and I just clip them back with a bow.  Sorry, this is like the opposite of the help you asked for. 
  • I've been wondering that myself. We haven't taken Z in for anything. She doesn't have much hair at all though it is long enough to start covering her eyes. She won't let me clip it back though. I may just have to trim the bangs back, but I've been too scared to attempt it myself. 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • We did.  I hated it immediately.  DD wouldn't sit still so the bangs were all choppy looking and too short.  She wouldn't keep a hairbow or clip of any kind in though!  We've had it cut 3 times now and I've hated it every time.

    Now she's gotten better about sitting still for me to put her hair up in the Pebbles ponytail and she'll wear hairbows for short periods of time, so I'm going to try to let it grow out.

    ETA clarity

  • imageScout2005:
    I haven't even done mullet clean up, although I probably need to. I have an emotional block on cutting her hair, for some reason.

    Me too, I refuse to cut it before she turns 2, and my DD's hair is crazy long.  It's always in her eyes unless we put it up, DH seems to be ok letting her run around with it in her eyes.

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  • nope, her hair is long and we can finally tuck the bangs behind her ears. It's also down to the middle of her back. and IMO looks freakin adorable. I asked DH when he thought we should cut it and he said "never" lol. 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • Nope, not yet, but she also hardly even had hair until one.  I'm not really sure what to do with it either because it is growing so much faster in the back than front.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would just go to one of those pigtails and crewcuts places and ask for some help.  Some of my friends go there and I think they do a really good job with keeping them still and making sure they are calm enough.
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  • imageRootBeerFloat29:

    I haven't even done mullet clean up, although I probably need to. I have an emotional block on cutting her hair, for some reason.

    Me too, I refuse to cut it before she turns 2, and my DD's hair is crazy long.  It's always in her eyes unless we put it up, DH seems to be ok letting her run around with it in her eyes.

    Me three.  DH is adamant about not cutting it, so I blame it on him.  DD hates having things in her hair, won't sit for it, pulls any & all clips out when she feels like it.  Sometimes she'll leave them in hours & hours, sometimes 5 minutes.  I don't feel too bad about not doing anything with her "cousin it" hair do because the lady at daycare can't either.  Seriously, there's a lady at daycare that can do anything with any kid's hair - except mine.  LOL.  We laugh about it. 
  • My DD just got hers cut about 6 months ago & she is 5. I wanted her to get a "trim" and she said no I want it up past my shoulders.  She one. I hated it, but it has grown on me. Best thing for Dad's to use to keep bangs out of face are the little 1/2" alligator clips.  Just pull the hair up & clip it.
  • I had to cut the bangs eons ago.  It was a sad moment, but I got over it.  She doesn't allow me to use clips, headbands, or pony-tail holders.  It's very frustrating! I feel like people are forever judging me for her messy bed-head.  FWP! 

    C is 3 years old

  • No. She just recently acquired more than fuzz, and it's at most maybe 2 inches long. Still kind of a baldy over here.
    BFP #1 9/23/09. Missed MC 10w3d D&C 11/3/09.

    BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10

    BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15



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  • We (by this I mean my grandmother) do bang trims. Her hair is all even length now (Shoulder while straight, chin when curly)

     I originally wanted chin length hair but DH wants below shoulder. We came to an agreement if he took care of her hair it could continue to grow. He has stuck to the agreement so her hair is still growing.

    BFP #1 10/28/09 EDD 06/24/10- Miscarriage 11/2/09
    BFP #2 11/30/09 EDD 08/12/10- Sophia Grace born 8/1/10
    BFP #3 11/16/10 EDD 08/04/11- Samuel Richard born 7/28/11
    BFP #4 01/04/12 EDD 09/19/12- Simon Nathaniel born 9/6/12
    BFP #5 03/27/13 EDD 11/25/13- Savannah Lee born 11/18/13
  • We have not cut DD's hair - she gets a pony on top of her head - only way I can keep it out of her face.  DH has an inability to fix it correctly - despite the seemingly very easy task of wrapping the rubberband around three times after pulling the hair on top of her head. 
  • I've cleaned up the back a couple times (maybe 3 times since 18 months) and trimmed her bangs as well.  She's finally starting to let us put stuff in her hair, normally she just rips whatever it is out right away so we are going to start working on growing out her bangs.  Excuse the craptastic photo (only recent on on my work desktop) but it was hot as heck out and she's eatting ribs but you can at least get an idea what her hair looks like even if it is messy



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