you relly don't know this? I thought I knew you better.
How do I put a picture in my signature?
- Upload your picture to a hosting site such as or - Find the direct link to your photo by right-clicking on the picture and finding the URL under properties (it will end in .jpg or another file ending for a picture). If the URL is long, you may need to shorten it using a site like
- Go to your profile page and scroll down to the Signature field and enter in this code: <img src*="YOUR URL HERE" width="180px">. Take out the * and then you can modify the size of the picture by adjusting the "180" higher or lower.
Re: Help Me Jaz Up My Siggy
you relly don't know this? I thought I knew you better.
How do I put a picture in my signature?
- Upload your picture to a hosting site such as or Find the direct link to your photo by right-clicking on the picture and finding the URL under properties (it will end in .jpg or another file ending for a picture). If the URL is long, you may need to shorten it using a site like
- Go to your profile page and scroll down to the Signature field and enter in this code: <img src*="YOUR URL HERE" width="180px">. Take out the * and then you can modify the size of the picture by adjusting the "180" higher or lower.
Thank you.
For starters, you need to change your "boom shaka laka" back to "whats that smell". Otherwise you are just a run of the mill ole boring poster.