Hello...I am due in a week and we have decided on Emma Caroline as our daughters name. However, my husband is so so on Caroline as the middle name now. It has family meaning for me so he's pretty much given in but any other suggestions in case he completely changes his mind and we're forced to find something else?? Thank you!
Re: Middle Name Help
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She will be getting his surname and I feel the same way that the middle name should honor someone in my family. Caroline would be after my mom.
My grandmother's names are Anne and Barbara which don't really go well with Emma and another family name is Page but I already have a cousin Emily Page so I think that is too close. My middle name is Leigh but do not like how Emma Leigh sounds like "Emily".
I told him just to suck it up as he told me months ago he really doesn't care about the middle name and we can go with Caroline but he did bring it up again this weekend saying we need to decide. I told him it was already decided and he hasn't really said anything else but i'm just trying to prepare in case he does. I think I'll probalby stick to my guns that Caroline is the middle name. Emma was his first choice in a first name as well.