Per siggy, DD is a micro-preemie but we are in between baby and toddler-hood. I'm trying to find a "home" while simultaneously avoiding all talk of preferred sippy cups, meal ideas, and birthday party plans.
Most people wait until Friday and then jump into the FFFC with a post along the lines of, "My FFFC is: you gals are really funny, but I'm so intimidated to post here. You are all witty, and quick at responding, I'm too lame to keep up with you girls."
And then everyone will say, "aww, no! We're friendly, really, please keep posting!"
And you're inducted.
I dare any of you bishes to defy me. :P
This is so true.
Sadly, I truly suck at both UOs and FFFC. I've tried but I either end up agreeing the the UOs (or disagreeing but that's the point of someone's UO) or not really having anything flameful to confess.
Per siggy, DD is a micro-preemie but we are in between baby and toddler-hood. I'm trying to find a "home" while simultaneously avoiding all talk of preferred sippy cups, meal ideas, and birthday party plans.
100% understandable.
Your DD is adorable! How many weeks was she born at?
Thank you She was born at 23w6d due to undiagnosed IC.
Per siggy, DD is a micro-preemie but we are in between baby and toddler-hood. I'm trying to find a "home" while simultaneously avoiding all talk of preferred sippy cups, meal ideas, and birthday party plans.
100% understandable.
Your DD is adorable! How many weeks was she born at?
Thank you She was born at 23w6d due to undiagnosed IC.
Whoa. That's really little.
Yup. She was technically before the accepted age of viability. But they intervened and resuscitated because they thought I was 25 weeks per how she was measuring and LMP. She is kicking major butt today though LOL A little behind her adjusted age but we go to PT every other week and she's getting there!
Whatevs, as long as at some point you bring chocolate and booze.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
Re: Board etiquette
Either one! Welcome!
I prefer cannonballs
it's proper form to give all people who reply $20.
I think a belly flop would be appropriate.
Per siggy, DD is a micro-preemie but we are in between baby and toddler-hood. I'm trying to find a "home" while simultaneously avoiding all talk of preferred sippy cups, meal ideas, and birthday party plans.
Sadly, I truly suck at both UOs and FFFC. I've tried but I either end up agreeing the the UOs (or disagreeing but that's the point of someone's UO) or not really having anything flameful to confess.
Thank you
She was born at 23w6d due to undiagnosed IC.
Oh my goodness! She's beautiful.
Yup. She was technically before the accepted age of viability. But they intervened and resuscitated because they thought I was 25 weeks per how she was measuring and LMP. She is kicking major butt today though LOL A little behind her adjusted age but we go to PT every other week and she's getting there!
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
<a href
I didn't think this board had any etiquette, which is really part of the charm
Your daughter is adorable!
Welcome! Your little girl is precious.